This is the bag. It's big but still small. Finger tip for reference, it's as wide as the image.
A bag of himalayan salt mixed in with a small amount of palo santo wood for cleansing.
A bag with two wood hearts, bay leaves, a selenite circle, piece of shungite and then a jar with several types of stone in it. Black obsidian, black tourmaline, super 7, pyrite, rutilated quartz, strawberry quartz, cherry quartz, clear quarts, unknown quartz, amethyst, lapis lazuli, peridot, fluorite, emerald and prehenite.
This is all for cleansing, clearing, good intentions and protection.
This is my intentions bag to lay out an item during the reading.
The jar has:
1) Moonstone for new beginnings, stress and calming
2) Super 7 for psychic abilities, senses and healing
3) Fluorite for stress and balance and can sometimes be used for wealth
4) Emerald for loyalty, domestic bliss and the heart chakra
5) Prehenite for healing (especially of the healer), love, knowledge or learning and calmness
6) Aquamarine for purity, soothing, trust and letting go
In the bag is also a healers quartz heart, good for removing negativity and increasing positive energies, a snowflake obsidian owl for balance, focus, wisdom, learning and knowlede, a shungite bead for healing and release, bkack Labradorite to cleanse the aura and bring forth energetic balance, quartz for healing, well-being, focus, emotions and connecting with higher entities and, finally, I have rutilated quartz for manifestation, guidance, insight and inspiration.
This is everything all together. It barely fits in my bag but at least it works for now.