uh oh

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when the idots got dropped off by spifey, they walked like 5 feet from the van until they realised their surroundings look a little bit... off

first of all: this place does not look like LA at all

second: there's one building that looks like it's been abandoned for like 10 years

third: strangely.. the inside still had the lights turned on and looked like a normal subway but the outside looked so rundown that you can't imagine that the place was a subway

and fourth: why we're the police chasing spifey?

the idots have the most confusing and puzzling faces, trying to figure out as to what happened with tapl, where they got dropped off and how electricity is still running in a building that nobody uses

finn: ok i am not going to be the judge of this but can we not go inside

zelk: aw cmon! we went through so much to get here we're not just gonna leave empty handed!

finn: are you on crack? for all we know there might be some homeless people living in there and i am not about to get mugged

zelk: then what do u want us to do? walk to another subway? look around you! spifey dropped us in the middle of NOWHERE and there's a convenient working subway right here!

finn: ajjfhdkshshd but i don't wanna go in there.. it's creepy..

zelk: im sure nothing bad will happen! we got thick plot armor so nothing bad such as death is going to happen to us! no shady foreshadowing here!

vurb: bruh let's just go in, make ourselves some subs and steal some chips while we're at it

finn: ah yes, trespassing in some abandoned building aswell as stealing, as if we're not with someone who already has a criminal record

skeppy: hey!! i was being chased by the police! what else would i do to get them off my tail?

finn: maybe pull over and accept the consequences? idk that seems like a pretty logical answer to me

skeppy: but that would postpone our trip to subway!!

finn: we can just bail you out or smtg

skeppy: but i don't want to wait in some crusty dusty prison cell! besides y'all probably wouldn't even come to save me smh

finn: that's true but it's better than being a criminal on the run

skeppy: let's just go in the damn building im sure the police already forgot about me

finn: smh fIne but y'all better do this quickly because i am not going to stay even 20 minutes in that stanky ass building

after they finished their conversation the gang entered the building and the most rancid and foul smell that has ever entered their nostrils made all of them nauseous and they we're very, VERY close to throwing up all over the place





after 10 agonizing seconds of inhaling that reeking odor and tears forming in the corner of their eyes the idots ran out of the subway and immediately inhaled the fresh air and breathed a huge sigh of relief

finn: can we please not enter that rancid building, i can't take another breath of that foul smell again

zelk: i agree, we should just leave i can't stand that smell anymore

skeppy: but guys!! we we're supposed to bring bad some food and im really starving right now!

vurb: sis are u crazy do u seriously think were gonna go inside of THAT? after we inhaled the most atrocious thing that had ever entered our nostrils? haha n o u must be kidding me

skeppy: but we made a promise! and im not going to leave here empty handed just becuz all of u r too much of a pussy to handle a smell lol

finn: skeppy r u crazy? the food in that place probably expired 10 years ago and something may or may not have died in there so this place is a lost cause

skeppy: Fine! go home! i don't need you! i'll just bring me and bad a sandwich myself!

skeppy then proceeded to re-enter the subway and the idots we're left standing on the side of the road with them not knowing whether they should follow skeppy and stop him or continue to head home

the idots chose the former and decided to go back into the subway but not even one step close to the building they heard a familiar high pitched scream from within the building

the gang quickly ran into the subway, ignoring the rancid odor but they we're met with eerie silence.. and no sight of skeppy

the idots searched throughout the establishment even the bathrooms until one of them came across a loose tile, vurb grabbed the tile and picked it up and under it was a ladder going down in pitch darkness as the foul stench grows stronger every second

the idots covered their noses in order to not pass out as they we're trying to decide on what to do next

vurb: well.. this is sketchy

zelk: ok hell no, this is some serial killer type shit, we are not going to go down there

finn: c'mon zelk! skeppy is in danger and we need to save him! just like we have to save bad! but he's probably dead by now so lol

zelk: do you want all of us to die? what if there's someone or some THING is down there!

finn: well we can't just leave skeppy behind!

zelk: skeppy's a lost cause! whatever brought him down there probably killed him already!

finn: if you keep jumping to your ridiculous conclusions then maybe you should jump down this hole too!

vurb: CAN YOU TWO SHUT UP! arguing and doing nothing is going to get both of our friends killed if we don't hurry up so get your asses down there!

finn: vurb's right for once, we need to hurry up and save skeppy first before we save bad because he's probably rotting with his kidnapper at this point

zelk: hHHhhHh ok fInE but both of you go first because i am not going down ther-

before you even know it all three of them we're down on the ground knocked unconscious

but before their eyes fluttered shut they saw a pink skin toned person with very familar fishnet thigh high stockings carrying them one by one down into the hole

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2020 ⏰

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