Um, what?

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" And then I said ' well you shouldn't have asked if you didn't want the truth to begin with!!'"I exclaim my face flushed with slight anger

Mr.Lecter politely puts his hand over his face, seemingly as if to cough but it was actually to cover a smile.

He then looks at his watch and slightly frowns "Well I must begrudgingly  say that our time is up, I have some business to attend to." he sighs as he stands from his chair and stares down at me for a few seconds. I look off to the right, ~like bro don't look at me like that~

"I would love to hear the rest of your erm... story over tea sometime." He hesitates


I smile, suddenly feeling brave as I slowly stand up 

"Are you asking me out on a date Mr. Lecter?" I try to hide my excitement, I obviously failed

His eyes widen in surprise and for a split moment I see a smirk, but then as fast as it came his face went back to his normal stoic mask.

"How did you know, was I obvious?" He smiles. A tiny but genuine smile. I still count that as a win

"Not at all" I laugh slightly

Love or food (Hannibal x reader)Where stories live. Discover now