The Beauty to the beast

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" You lied to me," Hannibal said

"Nuh-uh" I replied stuffing a fry in my mouth

He turns over to look at me with a straight face, the outer corner of his mouth twitching.

"Then why do I see you stuffing fries in your mouth when you told me you would eat a somewhat healthy lunch?" He says. No emotion in his face or voice

Uh oh my I stop

I'm in trouble

I gulp the fry down

What do I do? What do I do????

A. Lie and say that this was all they had (you got a death wish!?)

B. Puppy eyes and make him feel guilty (eh... might or might not work)

C. Pretend to puke (what...)

D. Apologize and tell the truth

"..." I think about what to say.

He stares at me patiently

I look down

"...fine I really wanted fries and a burger because I haven't eaten anything since breakfast and I have a fast metabolism you know this... If I said what I was really going to get you would have forced me to eat something like cabbage." My nose scrunches up

I hear a loud inhale of air.

And I hesitantly look up at him

He's laughing

I hear his raspy voice as he laughs

"Are you mad?" I ask forcefully making those words come out

"Hmm?" He stops laughing and stares at me

"Why would I be mad at you?" He replies. Confused.

This man is weird.

But I've always known that.

"You jerk! You were just messing with me!!" I scoff

"No.." he slightly grins

---------------------------------------- Readers house

"So how was work?" I ask, putting my purse on the counter and sitting down on the couch

Hannibal follows behind me and pauses for a millisecond

"It was...Interesting" He replies unbuttoning his shirt (No not that one silly)

I raise an eyebrow

"Uhuuuuhhhh," I say indicating that I wanted an explanation as I turn to him and wrap my arms around him, clasping them around his stomach as I looked up at him

Hannibal chuckles as this is what I usually did when I wanted his full attention.

" Well an agent came by my office today for advice, and I also met this interesting man while helping him" He explained in as little detail as possible, clasping his hands around my back as I was shorter than him. And pulling me forward as I was forced into a warm and cuddly hug.

"Hmm," I say snuggling in, Man I love his hugs

"Sounds like fun" I replied, taking in his scent... It was such a unique scent. Like sage and teakwood

He sighed

Uh oh, something happened

"What?" I say in an "I know something happened and your gonna tell me now" kind of way

He chuckles, pulling me in closer

"What he said kind of bothered me though I will not lie" He replies

"What did he say?" I ask


"Hanny?" I ask, patting him on the back indicating that I was waiting for an answer

"Am I not interesting to you?" He asks all of a sudden.

His voice held no emotion

I turned around confused.

"Who said this to you? I'll stab them." I say, jokingly serious

He puts his hands on mine as he slightly smiles

" As a matter of fact I find you extremely interesting and If I hadn't I would have left you in your office a single man!" I state

I sight loudly. Whoever said that is really stupid...and better not be no bitch

I start rambling about how dumb they are and how smart he is and I get interrupted by hands taking the sides of my face.

He pulls my face foreword and gently kisses me, halting my rambling

My eyes are wide open as I see his slowly close and kiss me slightly harder

I close my eyes and give in as he pulls me closer, I wrap my arms around his neck and put a hand through his hair.

His hands slowly glide down my body and he suddenly picks me up

I halfway yell in shock as he does this and I wrap my legs around his waist, and I lean in again, feeling his lips touch mine as he guides me to the counter and gently sits me down.

I lean back as I catch my breath

"Better?" He smirks

I breathe quickly in and out as I smile

"Jerk," I say hitting his shoulder

He puts his head on my shoulder, his face in my neck

He breathes in deeply
And whispers something
"Huh?" I ask
No answer

Love or food (Hannibal x reader)Where stories live. Discover now