Denki' Dare Pt.1

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(A/N:  I've been struggling with the past/present writing styles.  Sorry if you have noticed.  I'm good, yet horrible at writing.  I write how I think.  Not sure how to stop that.  I tried to write like Deku, and so, there will be a lot of rambling, but that's a Deku thing! Win-win, right?  And you, being his closest friend Zayne, you know that about him.)

((New Update: I really hope you guys enjoy these stories.  Just a reminder that I will be rewriting the chapters to fix them.  Many of them have been rushed, and I hate seeing that.  Plus, my writing skills are constantly getting better, so don't be surprised. ))


Midoriya P.O.V

Mr. Aizawa, once again, had me go back down to the new improved, class 1-C otherwise known as General Studies. I had another set of paperwork I had to do with a couple of other students. I had no idea who I was going to work with, assuming going to be the new students. Ever since an incident happened, Mr. Aizawa would have me go to class 1-C to do tasks such as collecting paperwork, collecting something for myself, or being extra help for the teacher. When meetings came up, which were now every day, I would go to 1-C to et my work done, or do a project with an extra higher grade student. I never questioned it. I knew better than to. Normally, it would be Iida running errands. He would get to and back from places in a matter of minutes as he doesn't get distracted as I did. However, for some reason, Iida has been directed to go to class 1-B thanks to both the meetings, and the aftermath of a severe villain attack. Vlad King had been requested outside of his class, so Iida was sent there. 

 Poor Iida. 

  Our previous school had a severe fire. Severe as in, there were students still in the building, inside walls crashing down, explosions beneath dorm rooms. What we knew was the fire started in the class 1-A dorms, specifically under my room. There was a piping room where a very old heater lay. No one knew it existed until the fire. We all assume because of how old it was, it most likely exploded. We moved to this new, also old, building. It used to be an all-grade school, elementary to high school. No one knows the history of the building nor did we really care. I will say that I have been feeling strange ever since we moved here. Bruises formed through my body, and weird sounds came from my walls. Still, I didn't care about that as I was just happy to have a place to stay. The class sections were much further apart. So thanks to this newer remodel, Class 1-C was so much farther than ever. The school was a huge maze but also had multiple ways to get to one place. I hadn't figured out all the shorter ways to 1-C as no matter what, it would take me over 20 minutes. From what I learned of the place, 1-A was in the previous Middle school section, 1-B in the Elementary school section, and 1-C in the High school section. You'd think because of the sections we were in, my class would be closer to 1-C. That was not the case.

All of this is important for what will soon follow

My first time being sent to 1-C I had some administrator work such as handing out papers for a couple of new students, along with assisting them throughout the day. I wasn't able to get back to class and soon started my new routine. Even when I had to go, and knew I had to, I would still get my work done no matter what. I hated failing in anything.
Well, now that I think about it. Mr. Aizawa didn't give me my work. On a normal day, he would pass the papers to the front row students and they would pass down the papers. Lately, that wasn't the case. He would hand them out himself. We all knew it was odd, though no one said anything. Again, we all knew better than to question. Today, he skipped Iida and me.  Starting with Iida. I always knew we had to go whenever I see the look on Iida's face. He was getting really tired of going to 1-B.

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