Wall To Wall Confessions

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((This chapter has been a bit rushed, so expect some updates in the future.  Shorter than the last chapter!!))

Deku's POV

As I was running down the halls to my dorm, I felt my phone constantly going off. I wasn't sure if they were messages or phone calls. The only thing I could hear was my footsteps rapidly tapping on the ground. Part of me was sure it was Denki spamming me, while another told me it was Shinso. I had no idea and wasn't in the mood to find out. I was more worried about getting myself to my dorm without dealing with people. It felt like I was running for hours. For some reason, trying to get to my dorm was much harder than usual. I felt like I was being chased again. Though, I didn't hear anyone around me. Other than the sounds of tapping, the halls were silent. I didn't want to stop and check due to the fear that it would be Shinso behind me. Or even Denki, and I would have hell to pay if it was. I didn't bother going in the wrong directions this time. I didn't care if there was someone behind me. I just wanted to get out of there so I could be alone. The halls echoed with the sound of my feet along with my phone constantly going off. As I got to the 1-A dorms, I quit running to catch my breath. I turned back to see there was no one behind me. I didn't hear anyone either. I wonder if Mr. Aizawa told them to stay in, or everyone was hearing what Denki was telling.


That's just perfect. I really wish Kacchan just stayed in his lane and mind his own business. He's always so observant when it comes to me. I hate it sometimes. I also wish people knew how to knock! Apparently, no one knows what privacy means, or they just choose to ignore that option.

Letting out a sigh, I checked my phone to find a surprise. It was Sero trying to call me, along with a long list of messages. I shake my head. I decided to wait to answer any of them until I got to my dorm. Walking to my dorm felt like it took less time than when I was running. Not even five minutes later, I was in the dorm building. I ran upstairs to my room, slamming the door as fast as I could while locking it. I wanted to cry. I was ready to get the call from Shinso or hear him knocking on my door only to reject me. I fall onto my bed and cover myself in my blankets. I was ready to scream as loud as possible on my pillow. I didn't though. It was eating at that it was Sero trying to reach me. He barely ever tries to unless he thinks I'm in serious danger, or that we have to do something for training, classwork, etc. So, I decided to text him.

Spider Dealer.

Missed calls: 24

Unread Messages: 57

((A/N: Numbers are chosen by Siri. And the nickname is shitty I know. Couldn't think of anything clever.))

Wow. So many in a short amount of time. He must've been frantically trying to get a hold of me. There were no messages or missed calls from Denki. I was a little confused on why, but also a bit glad. I didn't bother reading any of the messages Sero sent me.

Me: Hey...

S: About time! Where the fuck are you????

Me: why..?

S: What do you mean why?! You were there for a sec and all of a sudden you weren't! Where the hell are you?

Me: You didn't see me run out of the room?

S: Ok, a good thing to know you ran and weren't taken.

Me: Why would I be taken??

S: Class is still paranoid since Mineta isn't around.

Me: Oh. Sorry...

S: Don't be. But why did you run out???

Is he serious?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2022 ⏰

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