Bets Are All In

307 7 4

Deku's POV

I woke up this morning having a horrible feeling.  There was something completely off. 

The feeling started eating at me once I opened my eyes.  Bright white light glazed over as my body was completely tense.  I was incredibly sore.  My face felt as if it was punched into it while the rest of me felt I was being held down in the bed.  I wasn't able to get the side of my face off the pillow.  My hair felt like a hairbrush had a fight with a cat. For a moment I wasn't able to see my surroundings, nor could I remember where I was. I gazed at my arms noticing finger printed bruised tattooed on my arms. I look like I got beat up by someone really badly.  No fighting happened in a long time, so I have no idea where they came from. They weren't painful.  It's something that's been happening ever since I got to the new building.

A few minutes went by, and my vision partially returned.  I managed to make out my surroundings enough to discover I'm in Denki's room. I let out a sigh of slight annoyance as I already knew why I was there. He wasn't there which I was not so thrilled about.   I noticed a note lying on Denki's spot on the bed.  Yeah, we did sleep in the same bed, but it's not for what you're thinking.  I have a severe sleepwalking problem.  I've been doing it ever since I moved into the new dorms.  In the beginning, it wasn't that bad up until two months later.  Usually, I would just wander around my room and wake up in the closet or on top of my dresser.  These past couple of months, I've been spotted outside of my room.  Whenever I have days of serious stress, anxiety, or days like yesterday, I end up sleepwalking hence why I was forced to spend the night with Denki.  I didn't think it was that bad.  Until I was spotted outside the dormitory.  A student in the 1-B area saw me walking around the campus.  Present Mic discovered me walking into one of the classroom doors.  Another time he found me in the gym mumbling something.  Mr. Aizawa found me in the teacher's conference room walking into a corner repeatedly.  He found me in his classroom under his desk.  He also said I was mumbling something that he couldn't understand.  It was a very strange day for all of my classmates.  Shinso heard me walking into another student's door in 1-C.  Thankfully the student wasn't there that day, or I swear I would've given them a heart attack.  Shinso had me stay the night with him.  No one ever woke me up.  You're not supposed to ever wake someone up while they're sleepwalking.  Kacchan made that clear for everyone after it happened the first time.

Sadly, I can't say it ended there.  I had managed to find my way into my classmate's dorm rooms.  I gave Sero quite the scare.  He heard something move around his room towards his closet.  In the dark, all he could see was a large black figure.  All he could hear was me banging into his closet.  Once he turned on his light and saw me.  He noticed that I was holding something shiny. He was beyond freaked out.  He tried calling out my name, but of course, I made no response back.  He was so frightened he called Mr. Aizawa and Denki.  Mr. Aizawa arrived at the time Denki was luring me out and Kacchan was talking to Sero.  Denki told me he had to place his hand on my forehead because I wouldn't stop kneeling my head forward.  I had dropped whatever the object was.  Mr. Aizawa examined me and saw something bruise on my neck, like fingerprinted bruises.  I wasn't told that until a couple of weeks later.  I was placed in Kacchan's room for the night.  I woke up the next morning tied to the bed due to constantly getting out of bed.  Sero also mentioned to me that I was mumbling in Spanish.  He understood what I was saying, which is good, but he refuses to tell me what it was.  

I feel so bad for Sero.  It didn't stop that night.  I did it to other students as well, but he was always my main target.  I still wonder why.



After some time I manage to get myself to sit up and stretch all of the tension out of my body before picking up the note. Denki's room was really cold.  I had to bundle myself up before I could even look at the note. My vision still took a moment to straighten up, but I managed.

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