If You Wanna

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I immediately felt my body being lifted up into the air, my weight shifting forward into the ecstatic red-head as he twirled me around. My strands of pastel blue draping over my shoulder like a curtain and spinning along with us. My gold speckled eyes opening in shock, softening as they met his ruby ones. "Put me down," I coldly insisted, pushing back the slightest bit of embarrasement that attempted to heat my face.

"Oh, yeah, my bad," He gently set me down, his expression more apologetic, "That was crazy though! We totally had this whole vibe going, like I'm not crazy, right?"

"No, you guys were amazing! Honestly, you killed it out there, blue!" Mina said shooting her hands into the air like lethal weapons.

"Right! Like we were totally manly!" Kirishima exclaimed. These two were an interesting pair, feeding off each others chaotic energy, far too engaged in a conversation of pure excitement to acknowledge me any longer.

Bakugou came up from behind me, nudging his shoudler against mine as he strutted right past me. His hands in his pockets, his voice hoarse yet gentle, "Not too shaby, groupie."

"Thanks..." I said, feeling the previous tension between us slowly melt away.

"Yeah, Yeah. Whatever," he waved it off, revealing the slightest side of him that was soft. A side that made me smile a bit to myself. Still a bit of an ass though.


I left that night before Mina could find me and give me the money for the gig. It honestly didn't sit well with me to accept money from them when I enjoyed playing with them just as much that night. And to be frank, I was fucking tired. It took a lot out of me to be around people for so long. Socializing was never a strong suit of mine, my mind would always wander and I would quickly be drained. Tonight was no different. I left my number with the venue's stage manager and a small note:

Thanks for everything guys, don't feel like you need to pay me for tonight. But if you ever find yourself needing another badass guitarist, you know who to call...

I thought about last night, relishing in the memory of feeling invincible, or at least part of something more. Instead, it was back to the usual routine again. Not that I minded it, more so that it was just that, the usual...I wanted more, for life not to feel so mundane. But I've been disappointed more than once before so maybe I could deal with mundane for once. Not to mention it slightly terrified me to try new things or step out of my routine. Pretty ironic, I guess.

I pushed myself further into the comforter, wrapping myself in a mountain made completely of pillows and blankets. The slightest bits of light peaking through my blinds. I put my hands above, watching them dance in the light; a small happiness I found in the mornings. Distracting me, my phone vibrated repeatedly, "Hello?"

"Ah it is you! I'd recognize that bored voice anywhere,"

"And who's this exactly," I responded unamused.

"I'm kidding, Blue. Don't be so serious. It's Mina from last night's gig!" her voice rising and falling like a rollercoaster.

"Oh, right. I left my number with you guys. Sorry about leaving so fast, I honestly needed to head out," I lied out of my teeth.

"EXCUSES!" Mina laughed, "don't worry about it though, honestly, I was calling to see if we could meet up while we were still in town."

"I really don't want the money-," I began.

"It's not that. Meet me downtown at the Café Bean?" She insisted, not interested in a no.

"Yeah, give me an hour, I'll be there."


I wasn't sure she'd be there exactly when I would, but much to my shock, the four of them sat in a corner booth waiting for me to show up. Mina immediately caught sight of me and waved me down. I approached them hesitantly, taking a seat right beside her. "So glad you agreed to meet me here."

"Yeah, I didn't have any plans really. Though when you called, I assumed it would just be us," I raised my brow curiously, as the boys stared at the two of us as we spoke.

"Sorry, we kinda made her drag us along," Denki apologized, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Yeah, it's like removing warts. They keep coming back," she teased, pulling at Denki's earlobe.

"We actually wanted to ask you something," Kirishima grinned, glancing at each of the guys. "Do you wanna play with us?"

"Like another gig? Mina already said it was a one night thing, unless you needed a stand in until you get a replacement," I said.

"No, dumbass. He's asking if you'd be our replacement," Bakugou interjected, clearing up my confusion.

"Oh...I see," I trailed off.

"Is that like a 'oh, I see' as in like 'oh, I see that's awesome, I'll join'. Or was it more like 'oh, I see, what am I doing here?" Mina pressed.

"No, I just wasn't expecting it, sorry," I shook my head as if it would disperse all my thoughts and worries. Of course, it didn't though. "Just give me a minute."

I stood up and walked outside, feeling myself getting overwhelmed. I reached into my miniature messenger bag and pulled out a cigarette, lighting it once more with his lighter. I stared down at the small engraving, strengthening my grip around it. I took a deep inhale, taking a second to let it settle my current state. I set the lit drag by my hip, feeling a pair of hands slide by and snatch the cigarette from my fingers and take a hit, leaning carelessly up against the wall beside.

"So you gonna go back inside and give us an answer or run and hide like the pathetic loser you are?" Bakugou bluntly asked, flicking the end of the cigarette. Pathetic. Loser. Words I found myself getting angered by. Strangely enough, those words were the push I needed.

"Snatch this from my hand again, and you lose it. You'll regret calling me a loser, blondie," I challenged him, gently taking back my blonde. "That answer your question?" A satisfied smirk replacing the condescending look on his face.

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