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Jodies pov:

I was currently sat at granny's with my brother Henry, he's got brown hair and chocolate brown eyes whereas my hairs blond and I have green eyes. I'm quite skinny, I don't like to eat much but I'm in a healthy condition, I'm quite reserved but if I'm comfortable around someone then I'm loud and I'll say what I want to say. Henry's very excitable and very innocent, I wouldn't change him for anything, he's my best friend as cheesy as that is.

Anyway back to what I was saying, we've just finished school and Henry wanted to stop at granny's for a bit because he had something he wanted to tell me. We both ordered a hot chocolate with cinnamon and when they arrived, Henry told me what he wanted to say "I've found out who our birth mom is"

I almost spat out my drink, i narrowed my eyes at him but I wouldn't show him how much this bothered me as his eyes were full of hope, I know how much he wishes to even just meet her. I on the other hand, want nothing to do with her, I'll never forgive her, I don't care what her reasons were.

"I'm sorry you what??" I tried to stay calm but he knew I was annoyed and he sighed "I found our birth mom, I'm going to find her tonight wether you come is up to you. I won't force you because I know how you feel about her"

I'm glad I didn't have to go with him but I didn't approve of him going "Henry that's dangerous, you could get hurt!" I hoping it wasn't too far away. " I know I know, but it's only in Boston"

My eyes went wide "no no absolutely not, I know how much this means but I mean how are you even going to get there?" I knew he had figured something out when he just smiled at me "ugh I cant convince you not to go so just be carful god dammit" He just smiled and nodded. We both finished our drinks and I went to pay ruby.

"Cya rubes" were like sisters, I'm in here a lot but not very often to eat or drink.

"Cya Jo" she replies as she goes to serve someone else.

Henry and I walk home. Did I mention that we're the mayors adopted kids? No well now you know.

As we enter the house I notice that mom isn't home and sigh, "moms late again then" I love our mom she's Great and she loves us but she has a strange way of showing it, therefore Henry doesn't see it. He hums in agreement.

We go up to our rooms and do the homework we've been set, right now I'm doing my math, not my best subject if I'm honest but I'll have it done soon.

About 20 minutes later I hear the door open and close, I guess moms finally home. I finish the question I'm on then go down to greet her, but Henry doesn't which is unusual.

"Hey mom." I greet when i get to the bottom of the stairs.
"Hey Jodie, where's Henry?" She responds while taking her jacket off.

" he's in his room Doing homework i think" I wasn't sure but Henry said he was going tonight so he wouldn't have left yet.

She nods and heads upstairs to check on him I guess, while I go and get a glass of water.

A few minutes later she comes back downstairs with a worried expression on her face. All I can think is that he's left already without saying anything, he could get hurt or might not com back.

"Everything ok mom?" It was a stupid question but I wanted to make sure.

"Um Henry's Not in his room, and doesn't seem to be anywhere else in the house." My face dropped and any hope I had of him still being here left.

He could have told me he was leaving so that I knew, I might have even considered going with him if he gave me some time. I wouldn't care about our birth mom but I would want to know he's ok.

|| Henry mills twin|| book 1 Where stories live. Discover now