Bakugou Imagine

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It had been awhile of sitting in the spot you always did when you went to the forest to write your music or calm down. You always thought nature was so beautiful and you loved doing anything you could in the forest to listen to the birds and enjoy life. This time you had been singing with your soft and beautiful voice that complimented the spirit of nature and playing your guitar lightly. You were writing a song about Bakugou because you hoped to show it to him one day but you didn't know if he would ever feel the same way about you as you did him. As you sung your heart out about his beautiful ruby eyes and perfect spiky ash hair, Bakugou had been wondering down a new trail than he usually took. He heard you singing and realized it was about him, so he snuck around to hear it better and he was already addicted to you voice.
"Wow.. I had no idea you could sing." He said coming out from behind a tree. You jumped a little because you never encountered anyone in this area, especially not the person you felt the most for. You watched as he made his way over to you with an unusual calm expression. "Move over dumb ass" Bakugou said while making room for him to sit next to you. "So.. that song.. who was it about." You looked up at him and knew that he knew it was about him, so you came right out and said it. "It was about you actually" He smiled while looking at the ground and playing with his fingers a little bit. "So an extra like you actually likes me" he said leaning against the tree he was closet to and kicking his legs out in front of you.
You watched as he got comfortable, completely forgetting what he had said because he always mesmerized you. He was just so beautiful and cute. "Give me your notebook." He said. You listened although you hoped he wouldn't read anything you wrote because it was a little embarrassing. He chuckled a little when he opened to the last page you had wrote and than he snatched the pencil from your hand to write something himself. You quietly watched as he wrote and tried to read what it was but he noticed and moved the book up so you couldn't see over the cover. He had finally finished after you guys sat in a comfortable silence and he handed you your book back. "Read it" he said. You did as he said, being curious as to what he could've wrote. It was about you.
You smiled as you kept reading about all the things he admired about you and how he wanted to kiss you. "If you wanted to kiss me, why not just do it" you said looking up into his gorgeous eyes. He was quick to react with leaning up and grabbing your face lightly. His hands were surprisingly softer than you imagined. He tilted your head with his hand on your cheek and passionately kissed you as the wind picked up and leaves flew everywhere. After the kiss stopped, so did the wind. This was everything you had ever dreamt of, feeling his soft lips against yours. "Go out with me" he demanded. You laughed at the fact that he didn't even ask and you nodded. After that, you two takes for awhile, learning more and more about each other and falling deeper in love.

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