Bakugou Imagine (Abusive dad⚠️)

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Your dad is pretty abusive, but you were hoping when you went home it wouldn't be to bad and you could stay in your room the rest of the day so he wouldn't bother you, but that wasn't the case. You walked in the door and there he was, sitting in the couch with beer cans and bottles everywhere and a cigarette in his hand. He looked up at you with an already angered expression, which forced you to keep eye contact or he would probably get even more angry. "Go get me another beer bottle." You quickly did as you were asked but forgot to say yes sir, instead just mumbling an "ok". He grabbed your hand harshly when you walked past him, pulling you to face him again.
"What the fuck did you just say to me bitch." "I meant yes sir" "You already fucked up" you tried getting out of his grip as it was starting to hurt and you wondered why he was acting worse than usual. Maybe something happened at work or he had a lot more to drink, but you didn't care at this point as his nails began to dig into your skin and draw blood. "Get out of my face" he said while releasing you. You went to your room quietly, forgetting that he asked for a beer, which was an easy mistake that could cost you your life, literally. You sat on your bed and played on your phone for a bit until you looked up to see your father standing in the door way.
He grabbed your arm, dragging you to the kitchen and shoving your head into the fridge. You now remembered what he asked earlier and knew how badly you fucked up, but nothing would help at this point. After awhile of banging your head against the fridge, Bakugou, who had been walking to your house to give you your hoodie back, heard you cry out in pain and the loud banging sounds as your dad yelled. He flung the door open and ran into the kitchen, causing your dad to freeze and you to pass out from all the pressure to your head. Bakugou grabbed you before your dad could stop him and he yelled a few things as he took you out of the house and at this point, your dad didn't really care what happened to you.
Katsuki took you to his house which was only two blocks away and he set you on his bed, moving the hair out of your face to reveal the big bruise on your forehead. He cleaned the blood off your arm and got into bed with you, knowing you would wake up in his arms safe and sound making him feel better already. "Your safe now.. I'm never letting you go back to that shit hole of a place you use to call home." He pulled the blanket over you both and pulled your head into his chest as he closed his eyes, making sure he didn't fall asleep until he knew you had woken up.

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