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it's scary being the first. the trendsetter. the pioneer. the modern day selena quintanilla.

like the annoying girl in class who's the first to raise her hand, even if she doesn't know the answer. or the first one picked to present a project. or first one picked for a team in P.E.

and yeah, there's been plenty of firsts at this school. all except one.

no student ever in the history of franklin valley high school has come out as a full output proud homosexual.

sure there's probably a handful amount of closet gays, but no one has yet dared to step out of the safety zone. otherwise known as the closet.

but that's where things get a little messy. louis tomlinson, my best friend, has this huge extravagant plan to out himself in front of the whole school. at prom.

but that's nothing i could ever imagine myself doing. i'd rather continue my days as being the invisible nobody. i wasn't ready to out myself.

but things don't always go according to plan.

gbf ♡ larryWhere stories live. Discover now