The Library

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 "Aerys, how would you like your grandmother to visit sometime soon?" Zinaida asks me at luncheon. This is not a question. She's coming, probably to see about the necklace. Zut alors, I won't have it!

"Why should she do that? She hardly ever visited me when I lived in her own chateau. If I am to see a member of my family, I would much prefer a visit from my sister Kyla," I reply honestly in as cheerful and complacent a tone I can manage. I need to write Kyla tonight. Dmitri promised the post will be better here than it was at home. Kyla's letters, fortunately, made it here, tucked between my books, and so I have an address for her.

"Which sister is that, dear? Did we meet her last night?"

"Regrettably, no. She got married last year, around her eighteenth birthday. She lives in Kashmir now. How far is that from here?"

"Quite a long way. I'm afraid that simply won't be possible. Were you close with her?"

"We were inseparable, until she was taken away. I miss her desperately."

"I'm so sorry for you." Liar. "Well, perhaps your grandmother won't come. She is a very busy woman, after all." The look on Zinaida's face indicates that she has no idea what to think of my more compliant behaviour, nor of my sunny disposition after coming in from my 'riding lessons' with Dmitri. He is again silent, observing my interactions with his mother as if nothing could be more interesting. Wesley is conspicuously absent from the table. He's probably attending to some sort of business matters pertaining to his exalted position.

"Will I be attending to my regular studies after luncheon, Mother? Or shall I be helping with Aerys's lessons?" Dmitri inquires. I suspect he's plotting something, for all he acts innocent.

"You'll be at your regular studies, of course. There is no need for you to participate in etiquette and decorum lessons. My hope is that Aerys only needs a remedial course," Zinaida replies, her eyes narrowed at me to scrutinize my reaction. She'll be disappointed.

"I'm sure I only need to learn where your preferred etiquette and decorum differs from that taught me in my grandmother's household," I reply primly. Dmitri smirks slightly. He's sussed my game, no doubt, but his mother hasn't. I sense confusion lurking behind her smiles and graces.

"I certainly hope so. Your table manners, at least, are excellent."

"And what of her test? Am I to help with that?" Dmitri presses.

"Of course not. I'll not have you slipping her answers or something."

"Have I given you cause to think me dishonest? Whyever would I even conceive of cheating?" I ask Zinaida with wide, innocent eyes. Zinaida sputters for a few seconds trying to come up with a reasonable reply while Dmitri fakes a coughing fit--rather convincingly, too, I might add--to conceal his laughter. I go to his side to try to help him like a dutiful fiancée for a final touch to my charm.

"I meant no disrespect, dear. I only wish that we would be beyond reproach in this household," Zinaida gasps indignantly. Dmitri ceases his coughing fit and shoots me a grateful smile. Zinaida's eyes fixate on this moment like a hawk's eyes on a rabbit. "I take it the two of you are getting along well? You've spent a good deal of time together since we came home."

"As well as can be expected for new acquaintances," Dmitri replies smoothly. His voice is always enthralling, deep and rich and velvety, sometimes with a hint of seductiveness....

Save it, Aerys. You need to get to know him much, much better before you can decide that you actually want to spend the rest of your life with him.

"That's wonderful," Zinaida beams. I say nothing. My opinion is not wanted here, anyway. I would use eating as an excuse, but I've already picked the good parts out of my salad, and it seems that no more food will be forthcoming. Oh well. It's good to know that I'll maintain my slim figure in my new home.

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