flying to neverland

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we can fly to neverland together peter said excited

you can fly she asked suprised

yes he said

but I don't know she said

do not worry he said with a smile I will teach you to fly and we will fly there together on the winds back.

can you teach wendy,john and micheal to fly too she asked

sure if you like he said

guys wake up she said waking her siblings.this boy peter pan is here and he is to teach us to fly

can you really fly? asked john

just then the yard was silent for nana had stopped

just then they heard footsteps coming up the stair.

it is liza Annabelle cried out quickly everyone back to  bed.

the door opened and liza came in seeing the children safe and sound sleeping in their beds

see she told nana they are fine

but nana sensed something was very wrong

no more of this nonsense nana scolded liza,if you keep barking I will have to get the master and mistress at the house next door.

this gave nana an idea she would get the darlings herself.liza took nana back into the yard and chained her back up to the tree.

when liza went back in the house,nana pulled hard at her chain and it broke in two then she got out of the yard and ran to the house next,she then waved her paws in the air.

now mr and mrs darling knew something was wrong so they left the party and ran to their house without saying goodbye to their hostess.

meanwhile back in the nursery peter was teaching the children to fly

how do you do it asked wendy

you just think of a lovely thought he explained and up you go.

first he said I will throw the fairy dust on you and he blew the fairy dust onto the four children.

now think lovely thoughts he instructed

micheal was the first to go up into the air then john did too,then wendy flew too

Annabelle realized she was now flying

off we go said peter off we go to neverland

you ready?





second star to the right hurry up don't be late

wendy,micheal,john,Annabelle,tinker bell come on hurry up and follow me for I shoud be gone I'm flying.

they flew to the second star and they were in neverland

just then the darlings rushed into the nursery only to find the window open and the beds empty.they were too late for their children had flown away with peter.

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