Chapter 3: Dinner

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This story is kind of addicting to write. No lie. Although right now not many people are reading, I'm still having a lot of fun writing this. So... until I don't have fun, I'm going to keep writing. :P


Hope stepped out of the carriage at the Phantomhive estate, only somewhat prepared for the dinner with Ciel that evening. The first time she had been to the manor, she had been unenthused; tonight was the exact opposite. A smile was plastered to her face, even despite the fact Benedict was once again forced to attend with her, and she was determined to make the most out of this opportunity. Hope didn't get very far before the butler from the party approached her.

"Good afternoon, Miss Whitlock. My name is Sebastian Michaelis. I am the butler of the estate," he greeted. "My lord is waiting for you inside. Shall I escort you to him?"

"That would be delightful," Hope replied, noticing Benedict finally catching up to where she was. "I hope you don't mind my tutor, Benedict, attending as well."

"Oh not at all; your tutor is more than welcome. My master is only finishing his vocal lessons for the day; follow me," Sebastian stated, and then began heading back towards the manor. Hope followed behind him, noticing him glance over his shoulder at her. "How are you this afternoon?" he asked.

"I'm doing well," Hope responded. "I'm looking forward to dinner this evening, as well as whatever else Lord Phantomhive has planned."

"I cannot speak on what the young master may have planned, but I do hope you enjoy dinner. I shall be starting it here soon," Sebastian answered as he held the door open for Hope and Benedict. Once they were inside, Sebastian pulled the door shut before taking the lead again.

Hope glanced around the entryway. It looked vastly different than it did a few nights ago. The bright lights were dimmed; nearly all the decorations had been taken down, leaving the dark walls of the dimly lit room bare. The atmosphere was so much different than the last time Hope had been there; she wasn't quite sure if she liked it as much. Regardless to the change in décor, Hope kept her mouth shut, and followed Sebastian quietly up the stairs. He led them along a corridor, and after a few moments Hope could hear the sound of distant singing. Upon getting closer, she was able to make out two distinct voices- one male, who from what she could tell was singing off key, and one female, singing perfectly. Hope smiled knowingly; Ciel was having a terrible time at the lesson, she was sure.

"How have the vocal lessons been going?" she inquired.

Sebastian sighed. "I'm afraid my master isn't quite up to par with Miss Byrne's standards, but I am sure with a bit of practice he'll be singing properly in no time at all."

Hope didn't say anything else to Sebastian's statement. The butler came to a stop at a door, knocked twice, and then waited a moment before he opened the door. Sebastian stepped into the room, Hope and Benedict following close behind him and then they stood off to the side. Almost immediately, Hope's eyes locked with Ciel's. Hope tried her hardest not to stare, but it was incredibly difficult not to. Before she had sufficient time to worry about her behavior, Sebastian spoke again.

"My lord, Lady Byrne," he began, bowing at the waist. "I apologize for the interruption, but Miss Whitlock has arrived."

A small smiled appeared on Ciel's face. "So I see," he mused. He glanced at Lady Byrne, who Hope recognized as the singer from the Christmas party. "Shall we call it a day then?"

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