Chapter 5

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So i've realized that i've made these first 5 chapters revolve around one day but i promise that the next two chapters are it for the one day, one day won't take up that many chapters anymore. i had the next two chapters one but it had gotten really long so i decided to split them in two so I could update faster

also i realize that i haven't said anything on the flash backs the two had but i promise we will get to them soon they take big roles in the story please be patient :))))

also if anyone can make a new cover picture i would you love you for forever times 156123 because obvi i suck at it ((:

"ELIII!!" Gemma yelled at her even though she was only standing in the doorway of her apartment.

"Hey, Gemma!" she said as she began to walk into the apartment. It was small, but cute. She had the place decorated nice and everything complimented each other.

"I was starting to think that you didn't like me! I'm so glad you decided you wanted to go. I wanted to go to this little club a few blocks away. I go there a lot and it's not too crazy. Is that okay with you?"

"As long as they have something to drink, then yeah. That's perfect!'

"YESSS! I love your attitude! You're not planning on wearing that though are you?"

Elizabeth looked down at her outfit she had carelessy thrown on and back up to Gemma and shrugged, "Yeah, I guess."

"Oh no! Come with me!" Gemma grabbed her by the arms and pulled her into a decent size walk in closet, "I have something that will hug your curves perfectly!!"

Gemma searched through the rows of dresses until she came across a red, sparkly one. She quickly threw it at Eli and instructed her to put it on. When she slipped into it, and looked in the mirrow the two were in awe. It was complimented Elizabeth perfectly. It said, "I'm beautiful and I know it, but I'm not easy."

"Honestly, I don't even want it back after the way you look in it! God, you look hot!" Gemma raved over the dress and Eli's body, "Here! wear these shoes! They will look perfect!"

"It's perfect, Gemma thank you! Now let's finish getting ready?"

Gemma again grabbed Eli by the wrist and pulled her into what she guessed was Gemma's bedroom and sat her down on a stool in front of an elegant make up mirror and table.

"I hope you don't mind but I'm going to go ahead and do your make up? I mean it's what I do for a living so I guess I must be pretty good at!" Gemma giggled and began to paint away with the make up on Elizabeth's face.

When Gemma was done, Elizabeth opened her eyes and her jaw dropped. It was perfect. Her eyeliner was perfect. The color of her eye shadow, the brownish, complemented her eyes beautifully. Her lips looked fuller than ever with the nude color lipstick on. Her eyelashes were longer than ever, and for the first time in a very long time Elizabeth felt beautiful.

"Oh, Gemma! It's beautiful! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!"

"You're welcome doll! Now let me go slip my dress and shoes on and we can head out!"

They got to the club a few minutes before 12. Gemma was right: the place wasn't overly crowded and had the perfect atmosphere for what Eli was looking for. The two walked straight to the bar when they got there and Gemma ordered them a colorful drink Elizabeth had never heard of before. They sat down and enjoyed their drinks and made small talk.

"I hope you don't mind, but I have friend meeting us here tonight. He's pretty cool, you'll like him!" Gemma  told her completely forgetting that the friend she had invited was her brother and that the two had already met this morning.

"Oh no! That's perfect! The more the marrier, am I right?"

"Yeah!! Now let's have another round!"

The girls drank two more of the drinks before deciding that they were tipsy enough that they wanted to dance. The busted onto the dance floor and were showing off their finest and worst dance moves. They were enjoying themselves, and for the first time in a long time Elizabeth was happy. She was glad she had finally let someone become her friend, and most importantly she was glad she had forgetten about him in the moment.

Harry had walked into the small club later than what he planned on being there, but he couldn't help that his nap lasted longer than he had expected. He walked to the usual spot at the bar where Gemma and her friends sat. He walked up to find that Gemma nor her new friend of the night were not their. Harry knew instantly that the two had started drinking without him and had found themselves on the dance floor already. He was in no hurry to find them because he knew they would be back to get more drinks. So Harry sat there and sat there and sat there for what felt like forever until finally he felt Gemma come up and hug him from behind.

When Gemma grabbed Elizabeth by her wrist pulling her to the bar, Eli was excited. She was excited because they would be getting more drinks and excited because she would get to take a break from all the dancing she had done. When they got out of the center of the crowd and started walking to the area of the bar they were at earlier, Elizabeth noticed a dark head of unruly curls that, to her, looked like Harry. But it couldn't be she kept telling herself. "Gemma would have told me if her friend was her brother, wouldn't she? Maybe she forgot that they had met earlier today? Who knows, Gemma is a strange character."

Gemma reached behind the man and wrapped her arms around his torso. "Have you met Elizabeth, Harry?!? She's great!"

Harry's posture immediently got straighter as he slowly turned around to see Elizabeth, again. "Yes, Gemma. You introduced us this morning at the coffee shop," he said dully.

"Let's have another drink!!" Gemma suggested again. For about the 4th time that night. Boy was it going to be a long one.

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