Chapter Two

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Merry Christmas 🎅 enjoy :-)

His alarm went off at 6:30 scaring his self taunting demons temporally away. "Fuck this," the tired boy mumbled sleep traced in his voice. Harry had to get up to go to work. Well at least he tried to get up. He wasn't much of a morning person so when he did have a morning shift at Mc. Donald's he either called in sick or had someone cover for him. It was a mystery to why still even had a job. This morning ,however, he didn't bother with either. He turned off his alarm, and allowed his demons to take over his dreams yet again.
"You're no good Harry!! No one will ever love you! You're own mother didn't love you! That's why she left you little shit," the words were traced with alcohol and hatred. Harry was taken aback by the cruel words. They were only words, he kept telling himself. His father was drunk, he didn't know what he was talking about. But deep down Harry knew. Harry knew that drunken words were the ones people were too scared to say while sober. It was a given. No one would ever be able to love Harry. He had too much baggage.
"I'm out of here," he mumbled as he starting through the maze of beer bottles to the door.
"Oh no you're not!" His father yelled. He didn't waste time grabbing Harry and knocking him out cold.
Harry shot up straight in his bed covered in sweat. He ran his finger though his unruly, long curly hair. He knew he needed to let go of his past. He knew that these demons were slowly driving him crazy if he wasn't already. He couldn't do it though, no matter how hard he tried.

He got up, and looked at the clock: 9:30. He decided he might as well take a shower, and go for a walk. Maybe it would clear his mind. He turned on the hot water and let it wash away all the pain. After the nice shower, Harry stepped out and pulled on a pair of black skinny jeans, the nearest white shirt that happened to have holes all in it, but he didn't care. Before he walked out of the door, he put on hit coat to cover up at least a few of the holes.

He started his walk with no idea of an end destination. As he walked he allowed the wind to blow around this long hair. He could feel the stairs of the women around, but he didn't care. They didn't want him truly, and he didn't want them. After what felt like hours, Harry decided that he needed to stop. He walked into the nearest bakery/coffee shop.

As soon as he entered the petite shop, he was hit with the wonderful smell of sweets and coffee. He looked around to find that place vacant, other than the two girls working. He noticed that one was too tan and short. His breath caught in his throat when he heard her sweet voice say,"What can I get you today, sir?" She was beautiful. Different. But beautiful.

"Im actually waiting for a friend, but I'll have a blueberry muffin," he told her handing her the money. When Harry realized that he told the girl he was waiting for a friend, he quickly regretted it. He wasn't waiting for a friend. He didn't have any. He couldn't just sit here and wait for a friend to show up when he knew there wasn't going to be one. He did the only thing he knew to do. He pulled out his cellphone and texted the only family he truly had left, his sister.

Elizabeth couldn't help but notice how the man who just walked in was sitting in the far corner. "Probably scared we're going to beg for his number," she thought to herself. Gwen made her way to Elizabeth and whispered in her ear,"he's a cutie!!!" He didn't have to worry about that though. Elizabeth didn't want his number, and she would let Gwen embarrass herself like that. He was just another customer, a rather cute one, but still he was a customer. She was done with men anyways. She would never have a fairy tale wedding like most girls her age dreamt of, and she was perfectly fine with that. She busied herself with baking more sweets and brewing more coffee. She didn't notice when the girl walked in.

"Hazza!!!" the short, brunette squealed, "Why haven't you called me lately? I've been worried about you. You are my only brother, you know?"

"Hey Gemma," he bluntly said, ignoring the several questions his big sister had quickly shot at him. He looked up only when he heard the footsteps of the blond girl who had given him his muffin.

"Gemma!" Elizabeth smiled,"Do you want you usual? I didn't know you had a boyfriend." She spoke to one of her most frequent customers.

"Oh Eli! This is my brother! Harry Elizabeth, Elizabeth Harry. And yes my usual love," Gemma quickly introduced the two.

Gemma was the closest thing to a friend that Elizabeth had. They would always speak on the morning they were both at shop. Elizabeth genuinely enjoyed her company because she could use a person to talk to talk to sometimes. Countless times Gemma would ask Eli to go out, but she would turn down. Elizabeth didn't go out. She wasn't that type of girl.

Elizabeth quickly grabbed Gemma's iced coffee and chocolate chip muffin and brought them to her. She went back to work, but kept a close eye on the two people in her shop. Elizabeth was intrigued by the man sitting down. She noticed he didn't say much and kept running his fingers through his hair. The two were still there talking by the time she was getting off. She walked over to were they sat,"I'm out of here Gemma! See you tomorrow?"

"Of course love!"

"See you around Harry," with that Elizabeth walked out never knowing if she would see the mysterious handsome guy again. Not that she wanted to see him she kept telling herself.

Harry watched the beautiful, mysterious girl walk out of the door. He didn't know if he would ever see her again, and that brought a weird feeling inside of him. He didn't want to see her again he kept telling himself.

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