*°Chapter Two°*

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This week passed very quickly and soon it was the weekend and my most dreaded moment. Today was my date with Rahan and I had to accept his proposal. No compromises. I skipped all my nice clothes. No way i was looking nice for Rahan. I went with a pair of jeans and a white top and black flats. Typical for an awful date. Now to what I was telling my mother.

Mom can I go visit my friend? NO

Mom I'm bored. Could I go out for sometime? AWFUL!

Mom I have a date this afternoon. ABSOLUTELY NOT!

Mom we have a sturdy group this afternoon. IDEAL LIE FOR AN AFRICAN PARENT.

I gave myself a pat on my back and headed downstairs to lie.

"Mom, we have a sturdy group this afternoon. Can I go?" I asked innocently.

"Of course. But I hope it's free. Not that I'm being stingy but you know the economy - "

"I understand mom. It's free." I interrupted her and she smiled. Ghanaian mothers can go on and on about the economy when they knew very well all that long talk changes nothing.

I texted Rahan to say I was coming and he gave me the location to one five star hotel. I texted him to confirm the address since it was likely wrong but he confirmed it was right. Rumours had it he was stinking rich but I didn't take it this serious. Saph texted me to show her my outfit and when I did she nearly puked and told me to wear that but pass by her house for a makeover.

"Goodbye mom and Del." I bade my family and took a taxi to Saph's house. Her mother was out to work, as usual and she led me to her room. In her closet, she picked a red, sleeveless dress and a pair of black heels.

"This should make you look sexy." she told me with a wink and got busy with my makeup. After several minutes of pulling and pounding, she turned the mirror.

" Tah- Dah. Rating from 1 to 10, how much do you love your makeup?" She asked smiling.

" Negative ten. It's horrible."

'Whatever. Your'e having it that way nonetheless." She said finally and handed over the dress and shoes to me. I took over ten minutes wearing the dress since it was so complicated and I couldn't tell the front from the back. Finally when I was done battling with the dress, I wore the shoes which were higher than skyscrapers. I stepped out and Saph clapped excitedly. I looked into the large mirror and I nearly puked.


"Saph. I look like a prostitute!" I complained and she rolled her eyes.

" Do you know who Rahan Nii Abbey is? He's not any of those stupid friends of yours." She said and I immediately knew she was talking about Yada. I bowed my head, sick and tired of Saph and her rules but I couldn't bring myself to complain so I just took the black purse and walked to the door, Saph's whisper "Have fun" not lost to me.

I walked for a while and took a taxi which took me to 'Sophisticated', a five star restaurant which was like it's named says, very sophisticated. At the gate, I was asked if I"d booked a place and I shook my head, looking in my bag for my phone to call Rahan and that's when it dawned on me that I left my phone at Saph's house. I sighed and stood at the gate, worried that Rahan may be inside, thinking I stood him up.

" Please could I just go in, even if you'd get me an escort. My date is - " I started but the security man interrupted me.

"Madam, as I stand here, my salary is not enough for me and you want me to let you in so that I'll be sacked eh? Now there is no employment. If I'm sacked, how will I look after my children in school?" He yelled. I wasn't surprised though. Ghanaian security men were not exactly noted for patience.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2022 ⏰

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