Chapter 11

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"Where did your friends go?" You looked over at Olivia. Shortly after your tour, they'd met her. Then Cisco left through a breech because of something he claimed Harry messed up at the lab that needed his immediate attention.

"Cisco went back home because of an emergency but Barry's sticking around. He's chilling at my apartment until I get back."

"Well their welcome here anytime. " you appreciated the gesture.

"Thanks Liv." you were just about ready to leave. Gathering up your bag and coat, you pushed in your chair about to take off.

"Hey (Y/N), we're hitting the bar, you wanna join? " you shook your head, fixing the collar of your coat. "Sorry, I can't. Promised Barry I'd have dinner with him. "

"Ooooh!" Amanda cooed, bumping your shoulder. "It's not like that. We're just friends." you giggled. Nick and Carisi were walking behind. You were doing a lot better. Since Barry was here, you hadn't been thinking of Nick.

"Friends, yeah but you're having dinner with him." Carisi added. You and Barry were honestly just friends. You went to the same middle school and high school. You, Barry and Iris basically grew up together. You were the one always insisting that Barry just confess. When he was younger he always chickened out though. The both of you did share a kiss once, but it was just one of those things. You guessed that's probably why you were such good friends.

"We're good friends." you muttered wistfully. When the door opened, you walked out waving goodbye. You didn't even look in Nick's direction. He watched you speed out the elevator, running out the building to catch a cab.

Nick just gritted his teeth, leaving with his coworkers to get a drink.


"Are you serious, Ralph really is something else. " you and Barry laughed together, munching on a slice of pizza. "I had to run across the country in flip flops! Flip flops!!" you slapped your hand on your chest to control your laughter, reaching for a glass to wash down the pizza with some wine. "Gosh, I really miss the guy. He is annoying sometimes, but always entertaining."

Barry sipped from his glass. "By the way how is married life treating you?" Barry looked down at his hand, running his finger over the metal band with a loving smile. "It's crazy, I could literally be in Central City in seconds, but I still miss her." If you were honest, you always envied Barry. He was so sure about his feelings for Iris. Even through all his other relationships, in the end, Iris was the one he came back to. It was almost like faith.

" did you know that..that she was the one?" he looked up at, easily recognizing the look in your eyes.

"I have a feeling this has to do with tall dark and death grip." you giggled at his comment.

"You know I've never really been one for relationships but, I can't stop thinking about him. He's my partner Barry. I don't want things to ever be awkward between us so I shut it down before anything could happen. But when I see him smiling and flirting with other women I just...I just can't help but feel pissed. I was the one who said no, so why am I the one who's jealous."

Barry placed his hand over your own. "Trust me, I think he's just as infatuated. From the minute I walked in he never took his eyes off of you. He cares about you (Y/N). I think the only question you need to ask yourself is if you're willing to take that risk. "

You weren't sure you could. 

Nick Amaro (Law and Order SVU) AUWhere stories live. Discover now