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             I don’t see Isaac for almost two weeks, even though I had forgiven him the day he came into my room, and Cass visiting had done nothing more than make me feel guilty about not talking to him. Fatima told me that once she had walked through the forest to get to my house  (because she felt like it) and she had seen Isaac. Fatima had ran away before he saw her. After that she had gone again to see if this is something regular, and apparently it is, because he had been in the same spot that time, as well.

            But all things come to an end—and I am still deciding if staying away from him had been a good or bad thing—and I can’t deny that I miss him so much that my chest hurts and head pounds. On Saturday morning I walk back to the forest. The cherry tree is flowering and the creek sounds like how a thousand stars would if they made a sound. Taking a steadying breath, I cross the creek and Isaac is there, on the log. He fiddles with the camera in his hands, but the strap isn’t around his neck. The leaves rustle under my feet and he looks up instantaneously and his smile is slow, but when it appears, it is the widest and most brilliant of all those I have ever seen, and I wonder how I have survived for this long without seeing that. 

            “Oh,” he says, running a hand through his hair, “thank God.”

// twas short but not that angsty, yee? and omg next chapter i think will be the last one i don't want this story to end tbh D:

thanks for reading nova luvs u.

- nova. //

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