Authors note

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GUESS WHAT? i was writing something too youu guyss andd BANG power cut ¬¬ soo annoyingg mann

well dont get your hopes up because this is not the storyy SORRY XX

imm wirtingg this cause i havent written in a long long time and im being terribly mean to the people who like fame (like meeh :D ) and this is because of school, tests and taking care of my little brother (hes a baby :D ) hehe andd im startting and thinking about other and new stories.

Can you please read my new story called My boyfriend's a vampire! it hasnt been goingg too good and its longer anf has more parts than this one

ssssssssssooo... oh and also when i was writing this vmapire story i forgot the names of this one and i kinda named a boy jake in the other one too LOL sorry :L theyre completely different people anyways, i hope. i havent made a coverf for the vampire thing yet, well i have Aimee1303 has made me the cover (shes myy sister) i just have to put it up and she has a story called Fly with me. or it might be called Part 11 for error issues.  READ ITT if you want :L

i madee a coverr but you can only see ecoming famou  , yeahh all that editing for it to be too big ¬¬


Well also i have already written the next chapter but im changing it and im making it longer since i havent updated in such a long time

(Dont make fun of me for this arabella and chloe readd faster haha :L)

ive noticed people alsoo comment , very little people, causee imm bad butt cann youu pleasee votee andd imm trying my very hardest too update asap andd alcap (as long chapter as possible) and my stories will probably have a lot of mistakes in them cause i used to write them in word but i dunoo what happened and it expired so now i use this notepad on the laptop but it sucks andd hass noo spell check (wattpadd has a spellcheck but it doesnt actually change the words) yeahh soo thats it

ohh anddd im gonna try to make the next chappiee moreejuciyyy andd longg andd full off shockss and surprisess andd DRAMAA. Yesss ohh jess

and do you want jake to be in it? What do you want him to do? Is the talent scout fake? Or not?

WILL SHE FINALLY BECOME FAMOUS? Whoo knows, well i doo lol >< hehe

ill update tomorow not likely ermmonn wednesday? Yes maybe but then if i dont then ill proabbly update saturday or sunday , TMI- too much information, i know sorry :D

VCF vote comment andd fann pleasee xxxxxxxxxx <3<3<3

sooo sorry forr thee wait :D

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2011 ⏰

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