chapter 2

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When I opened the door I saw a tall man with long purple hair, who I assume is king Sinbad, and two others behind him. One with white hair and one with red hair.

I walk over to my fathers side and he introduced us. "Aimi this is Sinbad," he points to the purple haired man," and this is Ja'far and Masrur," he points to the white haired man then the red head.

"Ahh so you are the one I've heard so much about," Sinbad said while walking towards me, "I wouldn't mind marrying a princess as beautiful as you Aimi."

"I am honored, but please understand I don't want to marry you," I said calmly.

Everyone looked shocked. Except Masrur, he had a straight face.

"Aimi we talked about this yesterday. You will marry Kind Sinbad," father commanded.

Sinbad spoke up,"May I ask why my princess? Have I done something to upset you?"

I've always hated these kind of meeting. Everyone is so formal. I just want to go out and have some fun.

"King Sinbad it's not you. I've heard wonderful things about you. It's just that I don't know you and I don't love you."

He thought about what I said then opened his mouth," Well Princess if you come back with me to Sindria you will get to know me."

"That's a wonderful idea king Sinbad. Aimi you should go. You love going on adventures so this is perfect," father decided.

Now I'm the one shocked. I was speechless and my mind went blank. So I did the first thing that poped to mind, I ran.

I ran out the door and head to my room. Unfortunately I'm wearing a long dress (a/n like the one kougyoku wears) so I didnt get very far before Sinbad caught up and brought me back bridal style.

I can feel myself blushing as he carried me back. "Let me go Sinbad," I struggled. Finally he let me down, but my cheeks are still burning. Then I turn away from him so he doesn't see.

"Princess Aimi, Sindria is a beautiful country. I would be honored if you came," Sinbad said.

"No thank you. I would rather stay here," I said angrily.

"Then I guess there's no other choice," Sinbad sighs. He turns me around and cups my chin.

He leans in and kisses me. His lips are soft and gentle and he smells like the sea. When he pulls away I felt my blush coming back.

"What was that for you womanizer of the seven seas," I yelled at him. Then I started feeling lightheaded and fainted.

To be continued . . .


Magi: Marry me (Sinbad x OC)Where stories live. Discover now