Chapter 2

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"I'm a big bear!" Shrieked Grizzykit. "No you not Grizzykit, your a cat!" Ripplekit meowed at him. "No, I'm pretending so go along with it ok Ripplekit?" Grizzykit turned to look at Ripplekit. "Ok!" The two kits tumbled around in the nursery, they were only two moons old so weren't allowed outside still.The other kits Lillykit and Floekit were three moons old so they played outside in the nursery clearing.
"Raww!" Growled Grizzlykit as he pounced on top of his sister who rolled away to avoid his"attack". "Too slow!" Ripplekit nagged to her brother who was lashing his tail back and fourth ready to pounce. "No Grizzykit we aren't at war here,were at your bed time." The voice came from Swanfeather who had put her paw in front of Grizzlykit. "Fine." Grizzlykit mumbled as he stalked of to the nest where Swanfeather rested. Ripplekit followed and nestled down on the soft moss and feathers. That night Ripplekit and Grizzykit dreamed of becoming the best warriors and catching so much prey they fed the whole clan. They were awoken from the dreams when a bright stream of sunlight shined on the nursery making the night dew sparkle.
"Wake up you furball!" "We can go outside!" Exclaimed Ripplekit who was prodding Grizzykit in the side. "Ok, ok you don't have to kill me!" Joked Grizzykit who was yawning and standing up. The two kits happily trotted out of the nursery brambles for the first time enjoying each and every moment. They ran across the clearing too the elders den, Swanfeather had told them where it was. They peered into the den, there were three cats, old with grey streaks on there muzzles. "ehh, hello there." Said an ebony colored cat who's voice was cracked like leaf fall leaves. The next cat they knew, it was there grandma her name was silver whisker and she told the best stories. "Silverwisker can you tell us a story!" The two kits said in unison.
"Anything for my little warriors." she said with a smile. "ok....hmm, oh ok here's one, There once was a race of great cats called leopards..

Shadow of starclan book 1: The Rising TideWhere stories live. Discover now