A hard days night

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As I walk in the building I see the other new interns there's lots of them and I know not all of us will make it. The male chief leads our class into an empty operating room and starts talking "a month ago you were in med school being taught by doctors. Today you are the doctors." The girl to my left whispers "i'm totally terrified is that just me" I nervously respond saying how intimidating dr richard webber is. This girl is different from the other interns,she had vivid blue eyes and fair golden hair. She looked innocent like her daddy paid for med school and she's still with her high school boyfriend. She introduces herself, "hi i'm arizona robbins and you?" i laughed and asked her if if she was named after the state which sparked conversation. She has the cutest smile that makes all the bad in the world disappear. When she smiles its like theres nothing around you but her. Like a glimpse of a perfect world. Turns out she didn't have the best childhood. Her dad made her move 3 times a year due to his military job so she couldn't keep any friends. We vowed we help each other as allies through this first shift 48 hours. Only 2,880 minutes. I can do this, just have to take it one moment at a time and take as many coffee breaks as possible.

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