When is the time?

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When is the time?

I don't know what time...

Time to kill again?

I just... miss the feeling of the warm blood in my hands... The blood from those who were sinners, like me... Warm and untouched... You can even imagine how it felt... It... was... the best thing in my life... I just wanna feel it again... I would do everything for it... I would kill anyone to feel it...

"Miss Jamy? Are... you alright?"

"No... no.... I see... blood everywhere..."

"Should I... call... a doctor?"

"No need... I need to... calm down... Just close the door and I will be fine..."

'Kill them. Kill them.. Kill them.... Kill them.....'

They whispered but it felt like they were normally talking to me... "C-Can I have a minute for myself please? I need to think..." The shadows looked at each other and disappeared. I need... to think... Suddenly I felt really weak and tired. My eyes were like stone, getting heavier and heavier... I blinked sometimes and instantly fell asleep.

When I woke up again I sat in a chair but chained up again... I hate those cold chains... They are nothing compared to the blood I somehow smell right now... Am I already imagining the blood I need because I am so hungry......

"Miss Jamy, we are very sorry but we will have you to stay in bed for the next few days. Not sure how long but we will tell when we have the results of your health state right now." I sighed and walked with two bodyguard to my "cell" (that is how I like to call it)

The rest of the day is nothing special. I laid in my bed and thought about my future plan... But I think I am not ready yet for him... The shadows told me that I will have to wait a bit more. Maybe a year of something when I will turn 17. I am then old enough. Got enough strength and everything. Kinda weird and annoying when shadows tell you what to do... well let's wait then...

*Hewo my cute little shadows OwO hope it wasn't too short.... I still want the story to be a bit longer UwU" I will try my best with the end.... and yes there will be again a time skip of one year. Because why not? ^^' Instant regret. I hope you liked this chapter :)*

*By the way the next chapter/s will be very bloody so be careful. Don't do stuff like what I write it is just from my mind and my mind i weird ^^ so take care of yourself I love chu and thanks for all the support/comments and viewers we already have ^^ see ya tomorrow*

*btw I will do a love story about vkook (kpop/bts) but if you don't want something like that I can do something else meanwhile I write the love story (its boyXboy/not smut(hopefully))

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