Chapter 8

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This is the end of this book omg. It was so much fun actually to make this book and I can't believe this has a high rank in sonic the hedgehog. Hoped you enjoyed this book!


The Sonics went after the Time Eater and battled them with help from the others and after some time, they finally defeated the Time Eater. Everyone cheered as they were being teleported back to the party. A chili dog was in the air but fell into Sonic's hands.  M.Keila looked around before looking at C.Keila.

Sonic: Still warm. Time travel!

The Keilas smiled at M.Sonic as C.Sonic runs up to them and then they looked over and saw their friends appearing again. The gang looked around before cheering loudly.

Knuckles: I'll admit, you weren't half bad, Sonic.

Amy: Half bad? Are you kidding? *knocks him into a tree*He was all great!

The Keilas and Sonics just stare at Knuckles in shock while he just looks dizzy.

C.Tails: He collects how many? Wow, where does somebody put all those gold rings? (will we ever know?)

 M.Tails: You know what? I don't know. I keep forgetting to ask.

The day went on and everyone was just talking and having fun together. The Sonics were away from everyone (But the Keilas).

C.Keila: I get with Sonic, I have powers....So many things happen here!

M.Keila:  I guess so.....

M.Sonic: It was great teaming up with you. Hope you learned a few tricks that'll help you out in the future. I mean the past. You know what I mean! 

C.Sonic simply nodded and tried to do the trick M.Sonic did only for him to fall on his head making M.Sonic and the Keilas concerned. He recovered quickly tho and M.Sonic smiled.

M.Sonic: Dude, sweet! And you're only going to get better. 

C.Sonic then looked at C.Keila, just staring at her, almost lovingly. M.Sonic and Keila noticed.

M.Sonic: Remember you accomplish stuff like this because you usually have help from your friends and everything to me..

C.Sonic just looked at C.Keila already feeling like there is something there. The Tails' eventually walk up to them.

C.Tails: There's our ride.

A portal appeared showing Green Hills. The Sonics high five before C.Sonic runs off, the Tails' wave at each other before C.Tails flies off and the Keila hug each other before C.Keila walks away.

M.Sonic: Hey Sonic! Enjoy your future. It's going to be great!

M.Keila: Because I make it great *kisses cheek*

M.Sonic: *Laughs* Remember, Keila is one of the reasons the future is great!

C.Sonic gives a thumbs up and locks eyes with C.Keila before the Classics jump into the portal. Everyone just smiles at the all this.


The Eggmans were just walking around.

M.Eggman: Are you sure you saw a door over here?

C.Eggman: What?!? You were the one who said you saw a door over here.

M.Eggman: Well I know it was one of us. Shut up and keep looking. 

They just argued until they got tired and layed down. 

C.Eggman: What time it is?

M.Eggman: It's the exact same time when you asked earlier and it will be the exact same time when you ask later. There is no time here!

C.Eggman: Let me just say that this was brilliant plan you came up with.

M.Eggman: Don't get too self-righteous. It'll be your plan pretty soon.

C.Eggman: I'm going to dedicate the rest of my life to forgetting it.

M.Eggman: I heard that!

C.Eggman: Do we ever win?

M.Eggman: That depends on your definition of "win".

C.Eggman: Beating Sonic.

M.Eggman: Oh, well, then no.

C.Eggman: That doesn't give me much hope. Maybe I'll go back and get my teaching degree. 

M.Eggman: That's not a bad idea. I've always enjoyed telling people what to do.

Thats the end yall. Hoped you enjoyed this story and thanks for your guys love for it :)

See ya in the next story!


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