Chapter 12

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Ever since my baby's death I have been hanging around Hunter, Freia's little sister. She was kind and sweet. I felt bad for her because everyone had avoided her and basically discriminated her all because she's an omega. Judah was happy for my friendship with Hunter however Freia was not.

I would give Hunter half of my food ever since that fateful day. Sure I got some harsh glares but nobody dare lay a hand on me. I considered Hunter one of my best friends.

"So I was curious." Hunter said nervously as she fiddled with her long black hair I had just braided to the side.


"D-Do you by any chance know how to hunt?"

"I'm sorry. But I don't." She looked disappointed as she hung her head low.

"But it doesn't mean we can't learn right? Come on let's grab some spears and arrows and head into the woods."

"Sorry. But I am not allowed to mess with the weapons unless my brother or Freia gives me permission. Judah had said he would teach me but he's been very busy on finding a mate."

"Well screw them." She looked surprised as I grabbed two bows a few arrows and two spears.

Leading her into the Forrest I give her the weapons as I hold the bow curiously. She laughed as she walked up behind me and showed me the proper way of holding one.

"You really don't know how to hunt."

"Heh. You at least have some knowledge about hunting if you know how to hold a bow."

She frowned deeply and shrugged.

"I have watched my sister and brother hunt multiple times. It seems really easy to do. At least from what I have seen."

It took us a few rounds before we where finally able to hit the tree ahead of us. Of course Hunter hit the target before me but how could I compete with a wolf?

Taking a break I open up the bag of food I had packed for us. Giving Hunter most of the portion she smiled as she ate. She looked a lot better ever since I started sharing my food with her.

It was quiet and peaceful. Until a deep growl echoed just above us making me look up nervously.

There, hidden in the trees was a large tan and white saber tooth tiger. It bared it's fangs as it lunges towards Hunter first making me act quickly as I shoved her away. I could feel the sabers claws dog deep into my side as I cried out in pain.

"Fuck!" I practically screamed.

Looking towards Hunter I watch in awe as she turned into a small black wolf lunging right towards the saber as it inched ever so closely towards me.

I could tell Hunter was struggling. She wasn't as strong as her brother nor her sister. Just as I seen the saber pin Hunter down I grew worried until a large grey and white wolf showed up knocking the saber off of her.

Whoever this wolf was they where strong. It didn't take them long to kill the saber making me feel more relaxed.

But I was still in pain from the large scratch mark it gave me.

When I saw the wolf transform into Judah I was relieved even more until I saw the look of disapproval on his face. Hunter wasn't looking at him as he picked me up into his arms and walked me into the village.

The village wasn't to far but I was still worried for Hunter as she stayed behind in her wolf form with her ears laid back and her tail in between her legs.

Freia rushes towards me as she saw Judah carry me into the village.

"What happened?!" Freia asked sternly as she examined my wound.

"Apparently her and Hunter where out hunting when a saber attacked them." Judah spoke.

I watch Freia's eyes narrow right at Hunter making her grow smaller as Freia stormed towards her with clear anger in her eyes. As she was about to struck Hunter I once again took the blow making Freia's eyes widen in surprise.

"Brianna? What are you doing?!"

"If you are going to punish someone it should be me. I took the weapons into the woods with Hunter wanting to learn how to fight. You where just so busy with the village I didn't want to ask you to teach me so I asked Hunter. But as it turns out Hunter didn't know how either but I just learned a while ago that she learns from watching you and your brother hunt. You should have seen her with a bow-"

"That's enough. You should have not gone into the Forrest without me. As for The mutt, she knows fully well not to even touch any weapon. Because she broke this rule and put you in danger she will receive ten lashes."

"But it was my idea! If your going to punish her then you might as well punish me to!" I held my head high as I spoke even though my side hurt like hell.

"Lock My mate in our bedroom. She is not to leave until I say. As for the mutt, tie her to the tree."

It only took one of her men to secure me as I struggled to get free. I could see two of Freia's men force Hunter onto her knees in front of a large white tree that looked to be covered in blood. Before I was shut in the room I could see Freia tear Hunters shirt exposing her already scarred back making my heart ache.

Why where they so cruel to her?

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