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A/N: This story sets up a few months later after Campari and Mojito fights which means the angels appearance are still kids (OwO). The older angels looks like a 8-12 year old kids, the younger angels looks like 5-7 year old kids and the three youngest angels which are Sour, Mosa and Marcarita looks like a 2-4 year old toddlers :3


Vados was brushing her hair while sitting on the branch of a big tree as she watches over her younger siblings who were taking a nap under the tree after playing all day long. She then saw her oldest sister, Kusu flying towards them.

Vados jump down the branch silently and walks towards her. "Good afternoon Big sister. How was your training with father?" Vados greeted her with a smile.

"It's as hard as it gets. Let's see, Cukatail and Gin passed out, Rum cried out in frustration, and Soju tries to run away but was caught immediately by father. Only Korn and I lasted long enough as father dismissed us." Kusu said giggling.

"Must be tough. I'm glad I'm on guard duty today." Vados said as she looks back to her younger siblings.

Kusu also took a glance and smiled. "Well, you were instructed to keep an eye on them so that no one will fight again right?"

"Yes, thankfully no one did." Vados said.

"Oh, by the way. Mother told me to tell all the angels to gather in the meeting room."


"I don't know too."

"Alright, I'll wake the younger ones."

"Then I'll leave them to you. I still need to find Martinu and Awamo." Kusu said then proceeds to flew off the distance.

Vados went to the six sleeping angels waking them up one by one. "Alright, nap time is over. Mother asks for our presence so be ready."

The angels groaned and began to stretch their bodies. While Whis was still sleeping and didn't even move an inch. So Vados poke his nose until he woke up.

All the angels are now gathered in the meeting room. In the middle of the room there is a long table and the Angels were sitting in the order of the oldest to the youngest.

All of them was chatting to each other when suddenly the doors of the meeting room open and in came the Grand Priest and the Grand Priestess.

"Everybody please listen to what we were about to say." the Grand Priestess said and the angels settled down in front of their parents. Nobody slips out a sound.

"Your mother and I had a talk to each other." the Grand Priest began. "The new Multiverse will be completed in the next few millions of years and we can't afford to lose much time now. So we'll give each of you an advance training and lessons."

"Starting tomorrow Kusu, Korn, Martinu, Awamo, Cukatail, Soju, Gin, Rum and Vados will come together with me to train in the world of Void. There I will train you in order for you to master your own divine powers."

The Angels age are not that far apart from each other. Just a few hundred to a thousand years at most. But the first 9 older angels has an age gap of a few million years from their 9 younger siblings because of some problems the Grand Priest and the Grand Priestess had in that time period. Therefore, they have received more training and lessons from their parents while the younger ones are still free from all of that.

"While the rest, Campari, Cognac, Sake, Mojito, Belli, Whis, Sour, Mosa and Marcarita are still too young to train with us. Therefore, they shall stay in the Palace to take lessons from the Grand Priestess. Since they're too young to even feel their divine powers, taking lessons from your mother would be suffice for now."

The Grand Priestess added. "After a few thousands of years the two groups shall swap places and the younger angels will now train with the Grand Priest while the older angels shall take another lessons from me."

"This schedule will repeat until all of you are ready to be deployed. Understand?" the Grand Priest asked.

"Yes father." the Angels answered. They were excited and ecstatic to learn that in a few millions of years they will be dispatched in their own universes. Never did they know that their training would be so arduous.

Early in the morning all Angels are outside the Angel's Palace. The younger angels was sad to say goodbyes to their older siblings.

"See you later big brothers big sisters." Whis said as he wave his tiny hands.

"Be safe." Mosa added while clutching on her mother's skirt.

Marcarita who was being held by the Grand Priestess wave her hands. "bwig bwothers, bwig sistahs. Bye bye."

"Waaahh I'm gonna miss you all big brothers big sisters." cried Mojito, Belli, Cognac, and Campari. Their eyes were red and puff out by crying.

"Aww, we're gonna miss all of you too." Vados said pinching Belli's cheek.

"Can't we visit them from time to time?" Korn asks their father.

"It depends on the output of your training." their father said glancing at his older children. "Do well and I'll let you visit them from time to time."

"We'll do our best." Cukatail said.

"Bye bye." Martinu wave back to her younger siblings and they all wave back. Some are even crying their eyes out.

"Bye mom." Kusu said while she hugged her mother tightly as well as the other older angels. This is the first time that most of them will be separated from their mother in such a very long time.

The Grand Priestess smiled and hugged them back. "Good luck on your training. Do your best and remember to listen to your father. Ok?"

"We understand mother." the older angels said in unison.

The younger angels runs towards their father and hugged him too. "Bye bye father. We will miss all of you."

The Grand Priest smiled and patted their heads. "I will miss all of you too."

The Grand Priest and the Grand Priestess talked for a bit before bidding each other goodbyes.

"My dear, please go a little bit easy on our children ok?" The Grand Priestess said as she adjusted Marcarita on her arms. It's her first time to be away from half of her children so the anxiety was boiling inside of her.

"Then that wouldn't be considered as training then." he said. He saw the worried look on her wife's face so he gently squeeze her hand. "Don't worry about them. Training might be hard but it won't kill them."

"Fine, but please do call us from time to time." The Grand Priestess said.

"I will." the Grand Priest said as he gave her a quick peck to the lips. "Goodbye, see you soon."


The Angels wave each other goodbyes and the Grand Priest took the older angels to the world of Void where they will be train by their father intensely.

To be continue...
Thanks for reading nya :3
The Grand Priest began to train the older angels on the next chapter (^w^)

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