Chapter 8 : THE RACE

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The Grand Priest immediately went to the angel's realm after the Angels left. There he was greeted by the Grand Priestess.

"Welcome back dear."

"I'm back. How's the younger ones?"

"Oh they're at the fields building a complex construction as I have instructed them to." The Grand Priestess and the Grand Priest walks towards the balcony. "They still didn't know about our plan."

"Good. Let's leave it as a surprise for them." The Grand Priest asked as he observe the younger angels. "Have you contacted the Grand Priestess of the North?"

"Yes, they have arrange a suitable solar system for us in their universe 1." The Grand Priestess said as she projected the place in her staff.

The Grand Priest look at it for a while before going back to observe his kids. "That's great."

"I heard it is well known throughout the universe. It is a go-to when one is planning a vacation. It has lots of beautiful scenery and tons of fun places. All pack in one solar system." the Grand Priestess said enthusiastically. "The kids are going to have so much fun."

"It sounds like your the one who's more excited in this trip."

"Ahh- haha not really." the Grand Priestess sweat a bit. Damn, he saw right through me.

"Oh by the way how about the older angels. Have you told them?" The Grand Priestess asked.

"Don't worry about them. They're on their way on our rendezvous spot." The Grand Priest said as he projected the older angels on his staff. The Grand Priestess lean closer to take a closer look.


The older Angels began to race towards the light that their father shot. With the two oldest, Cus and Korn, in the lead, Vados comes in third place, and the rest of the older angels was left behind.

"Wow, as expected from the two oldest angels. They are indeed in a different league than us." Gin said in amazement.

"Well they are older than us and has the an age gap for a  few millions of years. Unlike us they have a fair chance in winning this race." Awamo explained.

"The one that amaze me is Vados." Cukatail said looking at the three silhouettes infront of them that is getting smaller and smaller. "She is the youngest in our group but she was able to race almost on par with the two and she's one of the last 5 person standing when we fought against our father. I mean just wow."

"No wonder, she's a prodigy." Martinu said smiling.

"Prodigy or not I want to try and win." Gin said flying a little bit faster than before.

"True, it's rare for father to give us a prize so why not go all out?" Awamo agreed as well as the other.

"So you're going to fight each other?" Rum ask.

"We can just race without fighting." Martinu replied. "Fighting will just drain our energy."

"I agree." Awamo said.

So the group agreed to not fight each other and flew faster to catch up the three infront of them.

Cus, Korn and Vados was flying quietly when the oldest angel look back to her younger siblings who was catching up to them. A sly grin was drawn in her face.

"Hey, Korn and Vados-chan. You heard what father said don't you?"

Korn frowns a bit. His older sister loves to look for trouble. Even though she doesn't age a bit since they were still a child he thinks that her maturity seems to not age too.

Vados smiles understanding what Cus was implying. "Yes, I did older sister."

"Frankly, I am not that interested in what the prize will be nor do I really want to win this race." Cus said flying infront of Vados. "So why don't the three of us band together and give our brothers and sisters a bit of a surprise?"

Vados smiles. That's sounds fun. I too doesn't really want the prize. She thought and with the eldest on her side she won't have any troubles fighting the others. "Ok, I'm in."

"Hehe good. How 'bout you Korn?" Cus ask turning her attention to Korn.

"No." Korn said flatly.

"That sucks." Cus pouted then she flew besides Vados and whispered. "Hey Vados-chan, can you convince your older brother. We will have a higher chance to win if he's with us."

"Alright, I'll try." Vados said as she flew faster to catch up with Korn.

When Korn saw her he knew immediately what Cus ordered Vados to do and before she even tried to convinced him he already gave a resounding... "No."

Vados sweats. Dear gods his brother is so uptight in everything and she didn't even got a chance to open her mouth. But Vados won't give up. She gently flew besides Korn, clasping her hands together and gave out her biggest puppy eyes she could ever make.

"Big brother won't you join us. Pretty pleaaaseee."

Korn's eye twitch and Cus grins even wider.

(﹡֦ƠˬƠ֦﹡) ( -᷅_-᷄) ❛ ᗜ❛ ฅ

Cus knew that she can't convince her brother to do anything unreasonable or unrelated to him but the moment his younger siblings do this trick he would immediately agree to anything they demand.

All of a sudden, while the six was flying peacefully, the trio that was flying infront of them came at them and began to attack them swiftly.

Martinu and Awamo manage to dodge the trio's attack but unfortunately for Cukatail, Soju, Gin and Rum they got to receive the brunt of the attacks because they were unprepared.

Vados manage to flip Rum off her balance while smiling, Korn grunts as he gave Cukatail a resounding kick in his stomach and Cus hit both Gin and Soju at the same time smashing their heads to one another while grinning happily.

Oh shit. Martinu and Awamo thought as they try their hardest to conceal their presence.

Looks like there's going to be a fight after all. They both thought as their presence faded like the wind.  '͡•_'͡•  '͡•_'͡• 

"Vados-chan?" Rum exclaimed as she tries to regain her balance. \(゜□゜)/

"E-eldest sister why?!" Soju howled while rubbing his head.  ( •᷄⌓•᷅ ) 

"Ugh... My head hurts and its spinning." Gin cried out. (☍﹏⁰)。

"Frik my stomach hurts like hell. You really didn't hold back at all big brother." Cukatail grunted while holding his stomach.  (。•́︿•̀。) 

"Dear little brothers and little sisters." Cus said then hitting a beam of light towards Martimu and Awamo who was trying to hide their presence and was force to reveal themselves.

"If you want to win this race you have to pass through us." Cus said as Vados and Korn flew beside her.

Their figures tower at the six angels in front of them. This is bullying. They thought altogether.


While the older angels began to fight each other the Grand Priest turns the projection off. He looks back to his younger angels.

"I think its time that we should go."

To be continue...
Thanks for reading :3
Belated Merry Christmas to you all  ❦  (◍•ᴗ•◍)♡ ✧*。

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