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When the Grand Priest, the Grand Priestess and the angels went through the gate they were greeted by two people. A woman and a man who is an inch taller than her.

The angels notice that they look very much the same like their parents with white hair and a halo on the back of their heads. But one thing they spot that is different than their parents is that they have yellow skin with red eyes and they are taller and has more mature features. They bowed down together as well as the Grand Priest, the Grand Priestess and the angels to them.

"Welcome to the Northern Multiverse." the Grand Priest of the North said smiling. Unlike their father the Grand Priest of the North is taller than him by a good few feet. He has a lean body and his hair was tuck neatly on the side of his head.

"Thanks for having us for such a short while." the Grand Priest smiled back.

"How's your multiverse?" the Grand Priest and the Grand Priestess of the North flew closer to them.


"Let's skip thesr boring pleasantries." The Grand Priestess of the North rolled her eyes and flew directly towards the Grand Priestess. Greeting her good old friend.

"Nice to see you again." The Grand Priestess of the North said as she hooks her arms on the Grand Priestess arms.

"Nice to see you too."

"I see that you have been working very hard since the last time I last saw you." The Grand Priestess of the North took a peek at the angels and smirk. ≖‿≖ "Cus and Korn seems to have gain more than a dozen of siblings."

(,,•﹏•,,) The Grand Priestess blush knowing what she is implying. "W-what's wrong with that. Last time I check you have thrice the amount of angels than us."

"Ohohoho I know. That's why I'm happy to know that you and your husband are working very hard." The Grand Priestess of the North laugh. "Now lets get going. Our Omni King is excited to meet all of you."


"We're lost, aren't we." Sour said with a deadpan look on his face.

Currently the three youngest angel was separated from their family and are now surrounded by the heavenly beasts. They are small white transparent but fluffy and energetic creatures that only lives at the Omni King's Palace. They are very very shy creatures and only a few people can see them.

Marcarita sweats profusely as she looks away from Sour's gaze. "W-We're not lost. We're just in a different space than our family."

Oh dear father and mother his gaze is scary. She pouted.

Earlier when the Grand Priestess of the North was leading them on a tour, the youngest angel saw a small heavenly beast as they pass by on the side of the palace. Marcarita took a liking to it and began to chase it for a while, wanting to play with it. Sour saw his younger sister and had a feeling that she might get in trouble so he decided to follow her with Mosa on a tow. The three youngest toddle off to follow the baby heavenly beast without their older siblings and parents knowledge.

The three angels began to drift farther and farther away from their family until they are completely lost.

"I-It's not my fault! I just want to play with the heavenly beast."

"sigh Ok let's not argue for a moment and let's just think what should for now." Sour said rubbing his forehead.

"Heavenly beasts won't harm us but they are very playful." Sour added as a small heavenly beast began to play with him and another pounces on his back.

"Kyu (♡◕ω◕♡)" The heavenly beasts let out a small noise taking a fancy to the young angel.

Sour blush. Oh my gods they're so cute. That big round innocent eyes and those soft transparent fur. I must pet it.

He cough lightly and took one of the heavenly beasts and pets it on the head.

"Kyu Kyu (♡^ω^♡)" said the heavenly beast letting Sour know that it is pleased with his petting. So cute.

"I doubted that they would let us go without playing with them." He said seriously but on the inside he is enjoying it, greatly.

"We should go back or father and mother would notice our disappearance." Mosa said as one heavenly beast tug her hair and two others cuddle on each side of her legs.

"Kyu (♡◕ω◕♡)" "Kyu (♡◕ω◕♡)"

Looking at her with their big round black eyes. Mosa flushed as she scoops a handful of them and hugs them. I want to take one of them back home. No. Resist the temptation Mosa. Clear your mind.

"Kyuuu~ (♡◕ω◕♡)"

"B-But maybe... It won't hurt to play with them for a while." Mosa said playing with the paw of one of the heavenly beast. S-s-so ssoooffffttt.

"5 Minutes and then lets go back." Sour said. Any more of this cuteness and I might stay here longer than I intended.

"Yey!" Marcarita cheered as she began to follow some of the heavenly beast around but to her dismay, the cute little creatures starts to run away from her when she went close to them to play.

She caught one and petted it enthusiastically but when she tries to play with it the little beasts wiggle in her arms and escape from her grasps. "Aww."

"Oh well." Marcarita pays it no mind and began to hunt the others while Sour and Mosa was sitting on the side playing with a bountiful of heavenly beasts mounting on top of them.

She pouted as she realize that none of the little beasts won't come near her and some would even wriggle themselves out from her grasps when she caught them. Like they're uncomfortable with her.

"Why won't they play with me?!" She shrieks. The little beasts gets surprised and began to hide behind Sour and Mosa quivering in fear.

"Kyu ༼꒦ິɷ꒦ິ༽"
Ironically, Marcarita who loves to play with the heavenly beasts more than anyone gets ignored completely by it.

"Now, now Marcarita don't get too agitated the little creatures gets terrified easily with loud noises." Sour said trying to calm some of it in his arms.

"That's right. These creatures are delicate and we must handle them with care." Mosa added as the heavenly beast hugs her tighter.

"Kyu ༼꒦ິɷ꒦ິ༽"
Marcarita saw how the heavenly beasts huddle towards her siblings and the scared looks in their eyes hurt her young heart. Her eyes began to water and her lips quivered.

"Not fair. Not fair!" She screams then runs away.

"Uh oh." Mosa said setting aside the little beasts.

"Marcarita wait!" Sour said as he runs after her but Marcarita had a head start and now she disappeared from his sight.

"This is bad. This is very bad." Mosa said running towards Sour and leaving the heavenly beasts behind. "We gotta find her. It's dangerous for us to be separated let alone Marcarita all on her own."

"We gotta tell father and mother first." Sour said and Mosa agreed. Looking for an angel is a very tough. So they went back immediately.


To be continue...
Thanks for reading :3
(♡◕ω◕♡) (⊼⌔⊼ ) A/N: whisper What will happen to Marcarita?

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