𝙞𝙞𝙞. trouble in bedford

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April, 2005.

❛ you know better
than to underestimate
me. ❜

A loud bang rattled the hinges on Mariah's front door, each knock thumping through her tired brain like a wild drum. The singer grudgingly made her way down the stairs, blonde hair slightly unkept from her silk pillow cases, but this early in the morning, she didn't even care. One thing was for sure, someone will surely feel her wrath from waking her up well before the sun came up.

The singer grumpily approached the door—clad in a designer robe, fluffy slippers and a silk eye mask—twisting the knob open in a rush of anger. "It's five in the fucking morning!" Mariah screeched, ready to cuss out whoever was on the other end of the door. However, once her sleepy gaze stilled, she saw two men standing in front of her, police badges pinned to their black overcoats.

"Sorry to disturb you Ms. Carey," one of them said, causing for Mariah to fall silent. "We're wondering if we can ask you a few questions." Mariah paused, taken by immediate surprise as she gathered her composure. What the hell were the police doing at her front door?

"Who are you?" Mariah questioned, ridden with curiosity, "What are you doing here?"

"We're detectives," They said, and Mariah felt her beating heart begin to slow down in obvious realisation. Tyler... the songbird thought ...what the hell has he done now? "We understand that you reconnected with a man by the name of Tyler Cain recently," one of the detectives said, smugly tucking his hands in his pockets.

Mariah shook her head, quickly brushing past their assumptions so that she wouldn't be involved in anything that would cause her trouble. "Whatever he did I had nothing to do with it," the pop star said, crossing her arms over her chest. The detectives shared a knowing look with each other, the look in their eyes annoying Mariah more than it should've.

"What's going on here?" she questioned, a slice of fear cutting through her heart like a sharp blade. "Ms. Carey..." one of the detectives began, stepping forward and giving her an infuriating look of detachment. Mariah looked at them with extensive confusion, wanting to slap those shit-eating expressions off their faces.

"Tyler Cain went missing four days ago," he said, his words catching her completely by surprise. "And he was last seen here at a party... With you."

June, 1995.

Man, was Tommy a snob or what? Tyler had to admit, he liked the thought of punching Tommy square across the face the second he meets up with him again. The hazel-eyed male sat behind the wheel of Jamal's old car, eyebrows scrunched together as he tried to navigate his way around the winding roads.

𝐂𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 ▷ MARIAH CAREYWhere stories live. Discover now