Chapter Sixteen / Race and Battle

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"This event will be a race!" I smirk Race huh? I got this. As soon as they let us out I start to fly and, it seems that was a good choice because Todoroki froze the ground flying while relaxed I see the robots and fly straight over them. Phht. Too easy. Then I get to the wires and fly over those Who needs legs when you can just fly? Finally I get to the end but something inside of me tells me to wait. So I chill at the edge. As soon as Midoriya gets passed I walk across. Too easy. Midoriya looks at me shocked "Why did you let me get ahead of you?!" I shrug "I didn't want to be first. There's probably going to be some sort of challenge for the first person in the next round. Plus, you deserve it more than I do. I'm too lazy."

    Once everyone gets across Midnight announces the next event. I was right too. First place has the most points. Both Bakudork and Todoroni (yes I just went there get over it) look at each other and nod. Then they both come over to me "Y/n want to join our team?" I raise my eyebrows in shock "You two? Working together? Since when?" Bakudork huffs "Just say yes!" "Bakugou that was very rude. What he meant to say was would you please join our team." I shrug "Sure but we're gonna need more people." Momo comes up "How about you two ditch her and join me and ojiro" They both glare at her "How about we beat you up next time you mention Y/n like that?!" She backs off. Kaminari and Kirishima come up to us "Hey guys can we join your team?" Bakudork smirks "We could use you guys on our team so why not?"


1st- BakuTodoY/nKamiKiri
2nd- Team Deku
(Use your quirks of imagination for the rest)
The whole team high fives "We all should work together more often, we all make a great team." Kaminari's face lights up "The IcyHot, Airbender, King of Explosions, the Rock himself and Electricity man! I like the sound of that!" My face lifts into something that normal people would call a small smile. Everyone on our team looks at me in shock. (Here's what they see)

 (Here's what they see)

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(Tbh they're not wrong)

I raise my eyebrows confused "what?" Momo comes over and they all pull me behind them and all at once yell "LEAVE THE PRECIOUS CINNAMON ROLL ALONE!" Confused I walk off to the back but Midoriya stops me. "Do that thing you did with your face you did earlier." I do the same small smile confused and he starts to squeal. "URARAKA WE FOUND THE CLASS CINNAMON ROLL!" "But I'm not food????"

Burn (Todoroki, Deku, Bakugou, Kirishima X Suicidal Reader)Where stories live. Discover now