Chapter Twelve💔/ Joke's On You 😈

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Don't play the song yet!

Walking home from school, I can't help but think of the feeling I got in the bathroom. Why did I want revenge? I never did before? Suddenly a hand drags me down an alley and I fall unconscious.

-???s POV-

"I got them." "Yay! They'll be such a great friend!" "Ah, Y/n Toshinori. Child of the number one hero. Abandoned at the age of 6 in a very unformal way. I'd have to say, I've never seen anyone get abandoned like that. It's almost like it was set up for some sort of plot. Oh well!" "What is it with you and your game references?" "Shh! They're waking up!"

-Sho's POV-

I open the door of the house. "Y/n? I'm home." I check the house. Nothing? What's going on?! I text Bakugou.


Icy-Hot: Is Y/n with you?

Tempered-Hedgehog: No? I thought they were with you?

Icy-Hot: I have a bad feeling about this.

They're not with Bakugou, they're not in the house, where are they?!

-Y/n's POV-

I groggily open my eyes to see a girl with blonde hair in buns, a blue haired guy with a hand on his face, and a black haired guy with burn scars. "Yay! She's awake!" The girl says. "What the- Where am I?!" I demand. "Calm down Y/n Toshinori-" "Don't call me by my last name idiot. I'll personally kill you if you do." Wow. I didn't know I had that in me. The blue haired guy laughs. "So it's true! You despise All Might too!" I raise an eyebrow. "Who are you three?" I ask. "Oh, well I should of introduced ourselves first! How informal of me! I'm Shigaraki, the girl is Toga, and the other guy is called Dabi." A memory bubbles into my head.

I was hiding under the slide so my father wouldn't find me. Soon he left. When he did I sighed. Then I felt a tap on my shoulder. Jumping back with tears streaming down my face I saw a boy with red hair, very beautiful blue eyes, and burn marks. "Shh. It's alright." Curious I looked at him. "What's your name?" I asked him. He hesitated . "I use to be called Touya but now I'm going by Dabi"

-Back to the present-

"...Dabi?" His eyes widen. "You're the little girl who was hiding from her father?" I nod. Shigaraki looks at me, and then at Dabi confused. "Dabi you KNOW them? The child of the symbol of peace?" I grit my teeth. "He is no symbol of peace. More like the symbol of terribly abandoning his daughter at the age of six." Shigaraki laughs. "What a trashy father! I bet you want revenge right?" I look at him. "I don't just want revenge on him, there's this girl, her name is Momo Yayorozu. Every day she bullies me. I'm sick and tired of it." Shigaraki undoes my bindings. "Then join us. I may of forgotten to tell you this, but we're the League Of Villians!" I sigh. "But I want to be a hero-" "you can be! I'll make a deal with you. If you join us and bring us information about All Might, then we'll unlock your full potential." I fake grin. "Deal."

- The next day at school-

When I get to school Shoto rushes over to me and hugs me. "Where have you been? I've been so worried." Crap. I have to think of a lie. "I visited an old friend of mine. It took a little longer than I thought it would." I lie. "okay, just tell me if anything happens, I'm here for you." I fake smile at him and then we head to class.

-At the final class of the day w/ All Mighty-Trash-

"Okay class! Today we'll have two on two battles! Get your hero gear on!" I put on my hero costume.

When I get outside I see both Shoto and bakudork I walk over to Shoto. "Hey Shoto." I say. "H-hey Y-Y/n! Are you r-ready?" He stutters out. "Yeah." All Might announces teams. (I'm gonna change it for story purposes and since there is 21 students (Mineta) Bakugou will be in 2 matches)

Team A: Midoriya and Ochaco

Team B: Iida and Bakugou

Team C: Youyorozu (I totally spelt that wrong) and Mineta (I half feel bad for her)

Team D: Y/n and Bakugou

Team E: Todoroki and Alice

(There were others but I'm too lazy to do them pretend they're there)

So, I'm with Bakudork huh? This'll be fun. I walk behind him. "Boo." He jumps about five feet and screams like a girl. "WHAT THE HELL?!" "You should of been more aware of your surroundings." I tell him. He sighs and we look to the lousy number one.


First: Team A vs Team B

Second: Team E vs Team F

Third: Team D vs Team C

(Use your quirks of imagination for the other matches)

My face darkens. So I get to against Momo with my full power now? Let's see how long she can last in this upcoming game of cat and mouse. "Hey Y/n. It's my turn to go against Deku. I'll see you afterwards." I nod and he leaves.

-When it's Y/n's turn-

"Team C will now be the heroes against the villains Team D." Piss Might tells us. I look at Momo. She's smirking. She thinks I should be a villain. She's only half right. "Villains go." He tells us.

"Where are we supposed to put the bomb?" Bakudork asks me. "Top floor, room to the left." I respond taking off the extra cuffs that held back my full power. "Hey, you alright?" He asks softly. "I will be when I show Momo I'm not some push over she can keep bullying." I brush him off. "Heroes GO!" I use the Darkness to find out where they are. "Stay here. I'm going in." I tell Bakudork. Our floor. They're on their way. I melt into the darkness and reach them right as they stop. "Where is it?!" The Bratt complains. Play the song.

"Dragged me to death, like a lit cigarette. Took my last breath like the smoke from my lips. I lied for you and I liked it too but my knees are bruised from kneelin' to you. I've had enough but your too hard to quit." She tries to hit me as I dodge. "We've had our fun but now your 'sugar' makes me sick. I've lied for you and I liked it too but my makeup's ruined." I kick her in the side. "And now I'm laughing through my tears, crying through my fears. But baby if I had to choose," I tear off most of her hair. "The jokes on YOU." By this point she's bloody and crying. "Want me to stop? Too bad. The jokes on you." Mineta has ran out of the building by this point. "God knows I've TRIED to be kind but I will lay down and die wearing a fake smile." I grab her by the remains of her hair. "The jokes on you." She punches me in the gut and gets up. Growling I look back at her and grin. "What is wrong with you?!" I laugh. "My heart's gone bad, now it won't beat for you. You had your laugh, now I won't play the fool. I've lied for you and I liked it too but I'm black and blue from bleeding for you. You striked the match, burned me out so fast." I spread my arms. "Look what we had," I then use the darkness to make her see the place burned down. "Now it's turned to ash. I lied for you and I like it too but my makeup's ruined." I turn her vision back to normal. "Now I'm laughing through my tears. Crying through my fears. But baby if I had to choose," I appear behind her and kick her to the ground. "The jokes on you." "Please just stop! It's not my fault your so easy to bully!" I kick her head into the ground. "The jokes on you." With an anguishing scream she breakers through the floor with her quirk. I follow and pin her. "God knows I've TRIED to be kind, but I will lay down and die wearing a fake smile." I finally use the capture tape on her. "The jokes on you." "THE VILLAINS, HAVE CAPTURED YHE HEROES! NOW PLEASE STOP!!" Stupid Might Yells with fear laced into his voice. He's scared of how powerful I am. I haven't even used my full potential! Bakudork rushes over to me. "HOW DID YOU GET SO SADISTIC?!" I fake laugh. " I was always that sadistic. No one just saw it." He sighs. "Also, When did you have your darkness unlocked?" I freeze. Play it off. "I worked my tail off to get it to work. It involved a lot of bleeding." I shrug. His eyes go wide as he rushes over to me. "Are you alright? I thought you promised not to cut!" He says frantically, out of character. I roll my eyes. "Relax, I meant, I had to fight. The bleeding was a metaphor." I lie. He sighs in relief and walks away.

Burn (Todoroki, Deku, Bakugou, Kirishima X Suicidal Reader)Where stories live. Discover now