When I look in the mirror I hate what I see.
I don't recognize what's staring back at me.
Too short, too thin, too fat, too tall.
My thoughts aren't quite as small.
Is this what society wanted me to be?
Broken, bruised, and never free?
My eyes are too sad, my skin is too pale.
I'm always going to be destined to fail.
When I look in the mirror I hate what I see.
I recognize what's staring back at me.
One small hit, the mirror shatters.
My self-esteem is all that matters.
The thoughts that taunt me are almost gone.
It's morning time, almost dawn.
When I look in the mirror I don't hate what I see.
In the reflection is someone lovable staring back at me.
I might be broken, but that can be fixed.
Life always was quite mixed.
So if you feel your thoughts taking a dive,
Just call 1-800-273-8255.