Until the first day - Ch 1

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Three friends sat around the one, little bright lamp they brought to the tall building. The Abandoned building. They were planning something pretty big. Hour by hour their thoughts kept coming, they kept talking for hours, they've been in that building since 9:00 AM that Sunday, it was now 9:00 PM. Now, usually they would just talk at one of their houses, but this wasn't a normal thing. This was a secret, a very big secret. "Hey, it's getting late. My mom is gonna kill me if I'm out past 10!" Saeran grabbed their bag, they youngest of the 3. "Yeah... you're right." Blade stood up with Saeran, she was the oldest. "Oh, alright. Let's get going then?" Harmony stood up last. "Mhm, c'mon." Saeran tugged on the door handle, it was rusted so it needed a little more effort to open. Just like that, the three went their different ways. What were they planning? Only they know.

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