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Standing outside of the coffee shop, staring at my phone, I wait in the cold for my blind date to show. The day before, I was taking out the trash, when my elderly neighbor (I call her Grandma because she is so sweet and chatty to me), calls me over.

"Y/n! Y/n! Come, come! I have some news!!" Curious, I go over. I expected her to say something about the other neighbors. She was always so nosy, peeking over fences and through windows. But not this time.

"Good evening, Grandma. What's the news?" I'm always respectful towards her; maybe that's why she adored me so much.

"I have received a phone call from my grandson, Taemin! And he's coming to visit for the weekend!" Grandma was beaming; I couldn't help but feel excited for her.

"That's great, Grandma! What plans do you have for your visit?" I wondered if she would take him on a tour of the town, just to show him off to all our neighbors. She smiles sheepishly.

"Actually, YOU will take him out tomorrow. Meet him for coffee. It will be a perfect date." Grandma put her hands to her cheeks with excitement, like she was watching a kdrama in her head. Grandma loved watching romantic dramas every day. Now she got to witness one in person.

I cringed a little at the thought of a blind date, but politely agreed to meet him at eleven the next day.


Now....thirty minutes have passed and I am freezing. It'll probably snow tonight, which would be amazing to watch the first snow with someone special. But it seems as though I have been stood up. I turn to go, deciding I didn't want to catch a cold.

"Oh!" I bump into someone coming out of the coffee shop. I should have been paying more attention when I turned around.

"It's okay, nothing spilled." What a sweet and melodic voice. My eyes widen at the angelic man standing before me.

"I am so sorry. I wasn't looking." I panic, embarrassed, bowing three or four times.

"It's okay. Please. There's no need." He chuckles and pats me on the shoulder. Even though I'm still a little embarrassed, I don't want to go anymore. I just want to stand here and stare at this beautiful man.

"Um, by the way, my name is y/n. What's yours?" If Taemin wasn't planning on showing up, then I wasn't planning on waiting for him.

"It's nice to meet you. I'm Jimin." He holds out a hand to shake mine. Nervously, I place my hand in his, expecting a casual shake, followed by a typical 'good bye'.

Ugh! I'm so weird. I don't want to let go of his soft hand. I raise my gaze to meet his. I heavenly face is slowly coming closer to mine. Is he going to kiss me already??

My heart skips a beat as he kisses my hand, like a handsome prince from a fairytale.

"I'm sorry. Was that too much? Your face is a little red." He says as he stands up straight again.

"Oh! No, no! It's fine." I stammer.

"Honestly..." He clears his throat and brushes a hand through his hair. "I noticed you when you first arrived. I've been working up the courage to talk to you this whole time." He places a hand behind his neck, clearly shy about the truth.

"Oh. I...I see." No one's ever shown an interest in me like this. It was kind of sweet. I liked it.

"Umm...look if you're waiting for someone, I understand. But if not..." He trails off, looking around a bit, but brings his eyes back quickly to mine.

"No! I'm not. I'm not waiting anymore." I felt jittery, happy. I just hope my excitement doesn't scare him off. He chuckles, letting out a radiant smile.

"Well, good. Okay. Um, I know it's cold, but would you like to go for a walk?" He moves in closer to me, holding out his gentlemanly arm for me to grasp hold of.

At that moment, I felt a warmth surge through my body that not even the piercing cold weather could cool me down.

Looking up at him, I open my mouth to answer, but abruptly stop. It had started to snow. The first snow of the year. And I was standing with the sweetest man I have ever met. I reach for his arm and hold on closely.

"Yes! Let's take a walk."

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