Chapter 11

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They started to walk over to the Eifel Tower. "Lucky for me and (Y/n), my photoshoot is at the Effiel Tower," Adrien said smiling at (Y/n). 

"Mari and I will go head over to Luka's to go grab those 3," Alya said. 

"Okay," Adrien said. 

(Y/n) pulled out her phone. "Mom and dad told me when I was little that Pairs looked so beautiful it looked fake. I guess they really weren't lying" (Y/n) giggled. "When I first left the airport, I was really surprised"

 "Well, do you like it here?" Atlas asked. 

"I not really sure how I feel about the villains and hero's thing, but it has worked out so far. So I guess yeah" (Y/n) giggled. "But I don't understand why Hawk Moth is terrorizing Pairs"

"It's because he wants Ladybug and Chat Noir's miraculous," Alya said. 

"Yeah, and once he gets it, it's game over," Nino said. 

"The Ladybug and Black Cat Miraculous can make any wish come true if used at the same time. But the wish is in exchange for a price. Depending on how great the wish is, the bigger the price" Marinette said. 

"But what wish would he want even though he knows there is a price to pay?" (Y/n) asked. "Why would he go through a great deal just to make a wish? Do we know?"

Adrien shook his head. "No, we don't know what he wishes for or who he is," Adrien said. 

"I wonder what it is... money? Fame? Love? Maybe to save someone" (Y/n) mumbled. "I know if I lost even one of my parents, I would be heartbroken. Maybe that's it..."

"Who knows," Alya said. 

"You're quite the detective," Nino said.

"Oh, no I'm not at all. I just know if I lost even one of my parents, I would probably do the same thing" (Y/n) said smiling at them. They all looked at her a bit worried and surprised. "I-I couldn't possibly do that of course!! I mean, I'm weak and shy!! And I... uh... I just wouldn't do that"

They all laughed as they arrived at Adrien's photoshoot. "Well, Mari and I will start to get over to Luka's place," Alya said. 

"Sure," Adrien said. 

(Y/n) gasped. "What about Chat!!" (Y/n) said. "No one is home to watch him~"

"I'm sure he will be fine," Atlas said. 

"I hope so" (Y/n) said. 

"You really love that cat don't you?" Adrien said as a woman started to put makeup on him.

"I have never had an animal before... So I'm super happy I got one" (Y/n) said. "Plus, I also adore cats and dogs... And birds"

"Alay just texted me and said that they need help with something over at Luka's. I'm going to stay here to give my dude some company... Let me text you Luka's address... That is if you guys want to help them" Nino said. 

"Sure," Atlas said. 

"Y-Yeah... I'll help" (Y/n) mumbled. Nino texted (Y/n) the address and Atlas and (Y/n) walked off. 

"We will be back as soon as possible. If your photoshoot isn't done by then, then just come over to us" Atlas said as he waved to the two boys. 

"... So where are we heading," Atlas said looking down at (Y/n) as she stared at her phone. (Y/n)'s mind was on something else. She was scared to meet new people.

What if they think I'm annoying? What will happen to me then? I'll lose all the friends I have and be known as the annoying girl!! Everyone will hate me in pairs, then we might have to move... What if my parents will be ashamed to have me as their daughter as well, they'll kick me out... I'll become homeless and be begging for money (Y/n) thought. She didn't hear Atlas. 

"Earth to (Y/n)~," Atlas said in her ear. She jumped and looked at him. "Where are we going?" He chuckled. 

"S-Sorry... A small river that goes around Pairs. I guess they live on a boat" (Y/n) mumbled. 

"That sounds Cool," Atlas said. 

"Y-Yeah..." (Y/n) mumbled looking back at the phone as they took a turn. Atlas looked at her. 

"You are a wonderful girl (Y/n)... Doubt doesn't suit you very well" Atlas said. "I'm sure they will like you... So don't worry. You're an adorable girl. And brave for coming out of your comfort zone"

"... You are pretty great yourself... You are a very nice friend" (Y/n) said smiling up at him. At least was shocked. He didn't see exactly how cute this girl was till now. She was cute, shy, and very gentle. She was his ideal girl. He wanted to know more about her. 

Without realizing it, Atlas was staring at her. (Y/n) was looking at his eyes but quickly looked away. "I-Is there something on me? D-Do I look dumb?" (Y/n) said. 

"W-What? No of course not!!" Atlas said. "You look lovely... But it seems that we are here" (Y/n) looked forward to seeing a small boat and Marinette and Alya trying to catch butterflies and another boy with a glass cage with butterflies in it. 

He had dyed hair. He was chuckling at Marinette's and Alya's futile attempt to catching these butterflies. The boy looked at (Y/n) and Atlas. "Oh, you must be (Y/n) and Atlas," He said. "My name is Luka"

Alya and Marinette stopped and looked at us. (Y/n) hide behind Atlas. "You guys needed our help... catching butterflies?" Atlas said. 

"Yeah, Rose and Juleka weren't able to make it. They are supposed to be doing a research project on butterflies in Science class because they didn't get it done 2 days ago" Alya said. 

"And the butterflies got out, so we are trying to catch them," Mari said. 

I butterfly then landed on (Y/n) nose. (Y/n) looked at it for a moment. They all laughed but for (Y/n). Then all the butterflies landed on (Y/n). "They seem to like you" Alya laughed. 

(Y/n) was lit up red. "Y-Yeah" She mumbled. 

They all got the butterflies back in the cage and left the cage for Juleka and Rose. They then walked off to Adrien's photoshoot which was done. 

"So, how did it go?" Nino asked. 

"What did you guys need help with anyway?" Adrien asked. 

"Catching butterflies," Luka said. 

"And we learned that butterflies really like (Y/n)~" Alya giggled. 

"Maybe because you smell like candy" Atlas said. 

"I-I don't know~... Sorry~"

"What are you saying sorry about? You helped" Mari said. 

"She says sorry a lot, so just ignore it when she does" (Y/n) heard a familiar voice. "So, it's true what your parents did say, you did make friends. And that pairs look fake"

(Y/n) looked to see her best friend, Remi.

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