Chapter 14

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Once they got to the fair is was already dark. But the fair was bright. "Look!! There are rides!!" Alya said. "Let's go ride them all"

"A-All?!" (Y/n) said looking at the large rides and the ones that make you feel like your flying or make you feel like you are about to die. 

"Is someone scared of rollercoasters~" Alya teased. 

"... M-Maybe a little bit~" (Y/n) mumbled. 

"It'll be fine," Mari said. 

"Yeah, they are fun," Nino said. 

"I can pay for infinite tickets," Luka said. 

(Y/n) looked around the fair. There were food stands, game stands, and a bunch of people walking around, making (Y/n) feel small. (Y/n) was slowly losing it, and Atlas noticed this. Then a crying snapped (Y/n) out of her thoughts. (Y/n) looked in the crowd to see a little boy crying. His parents weren't anywhere in sight. 

(Y/n) ran up to the boy. "What's wrong?" (Y/n) asked softly. 

"Mommy is gone~... I can't find her~" The boys cried. 

"Then let's go find her together" (Y/n) said to the boy smiling at him. The group walked up to (Y/n). 

"O-Okay~" The boy sad taking (Y/n)'s hand. 

"Timmy!!!" They heard someone yell. (Listen... Timmy is the first thing to come to mind) 

"Mommy!" The boy yelled. The lady and the boy hugged. "Thank you very much for watching my son," The mother said the (Y/n).

"... I-I-It's really... Not a p-problem~" (Y/n) said looking away. 

"Sorry about her ma'am.. She is super shy" Nino said. 

"Well, thank you... You are just as great as Ladybug, Chat, and the other two heroes miss" The mother said and walked away. 

"... I can't believe you heard the boy crying through all the noise going on," Alya said. 

"... I'm just o-obsevent~...  I think I'm going to go home~... I'm so sorry.. I-It's just... After today... I really don't wanna..." (Y/n) said then saw a black butterfly. (Y/n) has been very stressed and sad ever since today's innocent with the villain. 

"... What is that?" (Y/n) said pointing to the black butterfly heading their way. Everyone turned to see it. 

"That's an Akuma!!" Alya yelled. 

"What? Why is coming over to us? I-Is it going to do something? What do we do? I don't wanna hurt a butterfly" (Y/n) said. 

"It's because you are sad (Y/n)!! Calm down! Don't get sad! Or stressed or mad!! Hawk Moth will akumaize you" Mari said. 

(Y/n) started to panic making it even worst. She couldn't get akumaized. She is Pandergy!! "(Y/n) run" Bommo whispered. 

Before (Y/n) could even react, Atlas had already grabbed her hand and ran... Pulling (Y/n) right behind him. The group took care of the Akuma, and Atlas ran to (Y/n) house. "Are you okay? I didn't really know what to do, but I could tell you were panicking more just grabbed your hand ran~" Atlas said. (Y/n) looked up at him. 

"... I... I'm fine~" (Y/n) mumbled. "Today was just... Super scary for me... And I really didn't want to go to the fair but I didn't want to ruin it for you and the others.... I'm so sorry~" (Y/n) eyes started to tear up. "After seeing Remi~... I really miss her and home~... Even though I might not have a lot of friends... I was happy there... But mom and dad really want me to come out of my comfort shell and talk to people... But it isn't that easy for me~... People are scary"

Atlas panicked as (Y/n) started to cry, and he just hugged her. (Y/n) was surprised, and so was Atlas!! "I'll help you," He said softly. "You are a great friend... I'll do anything for you"

(Y/n) continued to cry in his chest as they stood on the front porch. Atlas comforted (Y/n) for as long as it took. Once she had stopped crying she looked up at Atlas. He was just like Remi. Kind, flirtatious, funny, calming, and is always there for you when you need them. 

"... I would feel bad having you walk back home in the middle of the night... You can spend the night here if you want" (Y/n) said as she let him go and unlocked the front door. 

"Let me text my mother then," Atlas said as they both walked in. 

"Okay... I'm going to take a shower... Uh... Make yourself at home... There is food in the Fridge if you are hungry or get hungry" (Y/n) said. 

"Do you really think it's a good idea to take a shower when no one is here and there is a boy~" Atlas teased. 

"... Yeah... I don't really see a problem with it... Is it wrong?" (Y/n) mumbled. 

"... I'm just kidding," Atlas said understanding (Y/n) is still very pure. That's when there was a knock at the front door.

(Y/n) and Atlas looked at the door then at each other. "(Y/n) (L/n)" said a woman. You can tell she was old. The door opens to show an old lady with black hair and white in it. She was small and looked frail. "We have some business we need to discuss. Let's talk over a cup of coffee" She said smiled up at (Y/n).

(Y/n) was unsure. How did this woman know her? Why is she here? What does she want to talk about? "That's the guardian of the Miraclous~ she is okay" Bommo whispered to (Y/n).

"... It's obvious (Y/n) doesn't know you, ma'am-" Atlas was cut off by (Y/n).

"Sorry, it took me an l-little to realize who y-you were. C-Can we talk tomorrow? After I-I get off school?" (Y/n) said.

"Of course. Thank you (Y/n)" the old lady said smiling at her. The women walked away.

"You knew her?" Atlas asked as he closed the door.

"A friend of my parents!" (Y/n) said "let's just get ready for bed~"

With that, they got ready and slept. (Y/n) slept in her bed because Atlas told her not to sleep on the couch. It was a peaceful night. And (Y/n) just met the guardian of the lost miraculous, that we're thought to be destroyed.

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