My story....

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Dear diary,

Hi, my name is Y/n Hargreeves. I am part of the umbrella academy. My power are invisibility and teleportation. Like my brother. I don't even know why I'm writing this. Pogo just got me a diary for my birthday. Well, I guess I should tell you about myself.

I'm part of a family of eight (including me) my 'adopted' father Sir Reginald Hargreeves. Adopted eight kids who were born with powers. We were born on October 1, 1989. Instead of giving us names like a regular father he gave us numbers. Farther of the year. (Hint: sarcasm) Let's start off with number one:

Luther Hargreeves. What can I say about him. Well, he's the leader and very and I mean very over confident. I mean he will just might as well do the mission all by himself. That's how confident he is. But what can I say he helps me when I'm moving stuff in my room and getting me out of stuff with father. Also I forgot,
his power is super strength.

Then there's Diego Hargreeves number two. He's.... he's just trying to be number one. I mean I get it being number two and seeing someone take number one is kinda hard. But he's still a mama's boy. Him and mom are just great. Diego will go to mom when he's sad or frustrated. And when I go in the kitchen he and mom will be making cookies or something. But Diego is a great... to me at least. He gives me lessons about throwing knifes and fighting. Also I forgot, his power is redirecting anything that him can throw. which is scary and cool at the same time.

Number Tres. Allison Hargreeves. She and I aren't really on friend terms. I mean I like her (as a friend) but she can be a huge jerk. Like I can be nice to her and ask her to join us playing a game with the boys. But she'll be like "no sorry I don't play with a loser." Probably because she likes Luther and Luther likes her. And I was in the middle with Luther helping me and I'll pay him back from helping me. Also she has this huge thing about fashion and acting which I support and hope that she can act or do something with fashion. But sometimes me and her get along. And her powers are mine control. She can basically rumor you to do anything by saying 'I heard an rumor' to you.

And the most funny and most favorite person I love, number four. Klaus Hargreeves. Klaus can be a weird person when you first meet him but I can tell you he can be hella funny. Also me and him smoke on the roof but my brother and Ben hates that soooo... we try to do it in secret but we get caught. Also he can make a really good cucumber sandwich and really good alcohol drinks. But he doesn't really like his powers, well he's scared of his powers or should I say scared of the dead. But besides all that he's one of my favorites in my family also his powers are that he can commune with the dead.

Hmm well this is my brother number five. Or you can call him five for short. And don't ask me why his name is five, it just is. (I know the real reason but I'm not telling you) Five can be a a-hole sometimes and overprotective of me but that's different. Me and him are way different but not are food and drinks choices I mean personally wise. He's a cold, stern, straightforward, cocky, a-hole. But I still love him. And to be honest he makes the best coffee and peanut butter marshmallow sandwiches. Not to brag but me and my brother can win any races, any hide and seek, basically any game with ours powers. Also his power is like mine can travel through space and time.

Then there's Benny boy, number six. Ben is the most cute, kindest person. He is just perfect. He likes to read and so do I. Well I like to read horror and murder Mysteries. But me and ben can just go in father's library and read together. But the sad thing is that father make Ben used his power which he hate doing. Even though Ben doesn't likes to use his powers when he goes on mission with us. But he rarely uses it on missions, so what he does is keeping the hostages calm if we have any. But I really love Ben, but I can't tell him or your friendship will be ruin if he doesn't have feelings for me. And his powers are summoning monster from his skin (mostly his stomach)

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