I like her...

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Dear diary,

It's me again. I'm currently writing this after breakfast. It's 6:30 am almost time from training. One thing I hate is that we have to wake up so forking early. Like Jesus, and when it's Saturday when we have free time when have to wake up at 7:00 am. Shoot, I hear dad calling us. Wish me luck. And sorry this is really short writing but hey I have to do something. But anyway I have to go before I get in trouble. So talk to you later.

Y/n Hargreeves-
Oct. 3,1999

I put the diary away and put on my blazer and walk out of my room. We line up in the training room.

"Now, listen up children. Today we are going to do one on one fighting." Father said. We nod are heads.

"The first two people to be fighting is: Number two and number Eight." When father said that I look at Diego and smirk because I'm know I'm going to win.

I go to the fighting area and tie my hair up with a hair tie. I give Ben my blazer and stretch my neck, arm, and legs. Five pulled Diego before him can get on the fight area and told him something. I roll my eyes and get into a fight stance, Diego does the same. We wait for father to give the word to fight. Father nods his head to Vanya and she blows the whistle.

I quickly turn invisible. I run around Diego so he can get confuse, I get close to Diego and kick him on his side. He takes his knife and move it where I was at. I Dodge it and went to the other side. I kick him on his other side.

"Ah fork. Y/n quit the hiding and come out already!!" Diego yelled.

I turn visible and stand in front of Diego. He seems scared that I jump out of no where.

"What cat got your tongue?" I said. And he snap out of it and was about it hit me but I move out of the way.

I move back away from him and he threw his knife at me. It barely hit my cheek causing it to bleed. I blink away  to right behind him but he heard my behind him. Diego pin me to the ground and put a knife to my throat.

"Game over." Diego said smirking at me.

"Oh really?" I say smirk at him. He looks confuse but I knee him where the sun doesn't shine and get on top of him. And put he's  knife on his throat.

"I win." I get off of him and help him up.

We both stand up and father told us to stand back in line. Ben hand me back my blazer. Dad tells Luther and five to fight.

"You did good, Y/n." Ben said to me.

"Thanks." I say

"Is your cheek good?" Ben said

"Yeah, yeah it is and plus it's just I scratch." I said.

~skip time by Ben and Y/n reading~

We got done with training all of us went to mom so she can fix up are cuts and bruises. When I was done with mom fixing me up. I walk down to my room. Since dad told us we can have free time until dinner.

I walk pass Bens room. And while walking by I hear crying? I stop and press my ear to the door to listen.

"My and monster!" I hear Ben say.

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