Chapter Six: Journey

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I was blissfully free from Mimicry for an entire week.

After my first day, which I didn't even make it all the way through, I begged Mr. Bisset to let me stay home from school. He was a little hesitant at first, but he agreed on the pretense that I study for at least four hours per day. Mrs. Bisset was a little harder to convince, but she relented when I promised to do some of the household jobs. Maybe I was a coward for giving up so easily, but I simply couldn't face it: being whispered about the halls, the heartless teachers, the impossible math homework, and the terrifying chance of meeting Felix again.

Honestly, I shouldn't have lashed out at him like that. It wasn't his fault after all, that both he and I were Mimics, and shouting at him wouldn't change the matter at all. Still, I was a little embarrassed about how I acted, and I didn't think I could stand seeing him. Naturally, it was a surprise when he appeared at my window.

Tap. Tap.

I broke my intense staring contest with a particularly annoying math problem. The light was low in my bedroom (even though the turret is blindingly bright in the morning) and I couldn't help feeling a bit like I was in a horror movie. Being at home all the time, my only social interactions came from watching television, and the night before I'd watched a particularly eerie film.

Tap. Tap.

"Who's there?" I asked the empty room. I stood and paced around the octagonal space. Seeing a flicker of movement, I approached one of the windows, where a rodent was perched on the sill. A chipmunk.

Tap. Tap.

It couldn't be. I opened the window in spite of myself. The chipmunk hopped in and immediately transformed into a full-size boy. This time, Felix yelped "DON'T KILL ME!" as he threw out his arms in a defensive position.

"I wasn't planning on it," I tell him. "But you better have a good explanation."

Felix lowered his arms and took a seat at the edge of my bed. It irked me how he sat so casually, even though he had just broken into my bedroom.

"I do. I promise."

"First, how did you find out where I lived?" I questioned, before he could start explaining. Felix turned red.

"Uh, your brother told me?" he said meekly.

"Micha did what?" I made a mental note to slap him later. What kind of brother just hands out his sister's address to random male stalkers?

"I just asked him. It was no big deal."

"And he told you?" I shook my head. That kid really needs to learn about stranger danger. Felix did look pretty unassuming, small for his age with wavy brown hair, but still. After all the effort I went through to avoid this guy, here we are.

"Well, why are you here then?" I sighed. It was nearly eleven, and I was getting tired.

"To invite you to come with me to the Casimir Academy of Mimicry," Felix said plainly. I shook my head.

"Oh no. I am not going," I said firmly.

"Then I came to kidnap you and forcibly transport you to the Casimir Academy of Mimicry," Felix smiled. Infuriating. "Your choice."

"How generous. Unfortunately, you can't make me go."

"Unfortunately, yes I can." Felix produced an envelope from his hoodie pocket. It was covered in tiny handwriting with a signature and paw print at the bottom. "An order from the Liaison of Mimicry for the Mid-Western United States."

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