{2} don't leave me.

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The 3 Weasley Boys and Hannah apparated to the site of the World Cup just in time to get settled in and eat something.

"That's the boys tent there, and Hannah you're with Ginny and Hermione over there." directed Mr. Weasley. Hannah smiled, "Thank you." and she went to put her stuff away. She walked out of the tent and straight to Charlie. "I need to talk to you." she said abruptly. "Han can it wait? I'm kinda in the middle of something." Charlie said, while he was eating a hot dog. Hannah rolled her eyes and grabbed his arm. "That can wait." and pulled him behind the girls tent.

"Is everything okay?" asked a concerned Charlie. Hannah laughed awkwardly. "Kind of. I think so?" Charlie crossed his arms "Hannah what is it?" She looked around to make sure no one was listening "Why didn't you tell me your brother had gotten hot?!" she hissed. Charlie looked stunned before smirking and responding "Who, Percy?" Hannah smacked him on the arm "No you jerk. Bill!" Charlie laughed "What? Did you want me to tell you that the guy you fancied throughout Hogwarts had turned into your dream guy?" "Yes! Exactly!" exclaimed Hannah.

Charlie grinned apologetically "Sorry doll. I guess it kind of slipped my mind. Y'know, we only see each other a total of 5 times a year, with me being in Romania and you in Greece." Hannah frowned at him "Yeah. But we write each other like 4 times a week. You could have told me then." Charlie put up his hands in defence "Again, I'm sorry Hannah. How can I make this up to you? Want me to set you two up?" he asked jokingly. Hannah poked him in the chest "Don't you dare. I will do this myself. No meddling. Got it?" she hissed. Charlie grinned "Got it. No meddling. Can I go finish my hot dog now?" he asked. She rolled her eyes "Yes for Merlin's sake. Go." Charlie grinned at her and walked back to the fire where his brothers were. Hannah sighed to herself and followed shortly after.

"What was that about?" Bill asked Charlie when he got back to the fire. Charlie, who was dying to say something, remembered his promise and instead said "Oh nothing. Don't worry about it." Bill gave a concerned glance in the direction of the girls tent "Is she alright?" Charlie grinned "Oh she's fine. Why? Are you worried about her?" Bill looked down at his younger brother and "Shut it. Just making sure she's alright before the match. We don't need anyone vomiting off of the top box."

Charlie grimaced at the image "She's fine Bill, trust me." Bill nodded and turned back to his father.

A few minutes later, Hannah came out of the tent and walked over to the fire. "Where are Harry, Ron and Mione?" she asked Charlie. "They went to get water, they should be back
soon." he answered. She nodded and sat down beside him. "Who do you thinks gonna win Lupin?" asked Bill, who was sitting across from
them. She turned to him and raised an eyebrow "Lupin? Not even my first name? Wow that's cold William." she teased. Bill chuckled "Sorry, Hannah." She grinned "I reckon that Ireland's gonna win." Bill raised an eyebrow "Really? But Bulgaria has Krum." Hannah scoffed "Krum is one good player, Ireland has 7 of those." Bill laughed and turned to Charlie "She sounds like you." Charlie grinned "I've taught her well."

Hannah scoffed at this. "Excuse me? You haven't taught me shit old man." she grinned. Bill laughed and Charlie frowned "I'm only 1 month older than you." "Still old." Hannah retorted. But she smiled "You know I love you Char." Charlie grinned "And I tolerate you."

About an hour later, the horns sounded and announced that it was time to head to the pitch. Mr Weasley grabbed their tickets and they all started off towards the stadium.

"All the way up Arthur." said the Ministry official who took their tickets. The Weasley's, along with Harry, Hermione and Hannah all climbed their way to the top box and were all out of breath when they got there.

"Good lord Arthur. Surely your house wasn't worth these seats." sneered Lucius Malfoy who just showed up with his son Draco and wife. Hannah tensed beside Charlie and glared at the Malfoy's as they passed.

Then, the team mascots were called on to put on a show. Hannah watched in amazement as a hundred Veela flooded into the stadium. Hannah watched as her best friend became smitten with the dancers and tried to snap him out of it. "Charlie-hey Charlie!" she grabbed him by the shirt collar because he was leaning too far towards the edge. "Snap out of it!" she shouted.

Bill, who was directly behind the two had his ears plugged and was laughing. Hannah turned back and grinned "Surprised you're not smitten!" she shouted. Bill grinned, "Nope. I've been around many Veela, they don't like me very much." Hannah laughed "I don't see why anyone wouldn't like you." she shouted over the cheers "What?!" Bill shouted back. "I said- nevermind!" replied Hannah.

They continued to watch the game and cheer on their teams. By the end, Ireland won and Krum caught the snitch. They walked back through the woods to the tents and Hannah was chatting with Bill and Charlie.

"Told you Krum was good." Bill was saying. Hannah grinned, "And I never said he wasn't. I just said Ireland was better, and look at what happened, they won." she smirked at Bill. "Oh shut up." he laughed.

They got back to the site and talked about the match for almost 2 hours until Ginny fell asleep and Mr. Weasley decided it was time to quiet down and turn in. Hannah took a drink of her hot chocolate then turned to Bill and Charlie, "Hey can I stay with you guys a bit longer? I'm not that tired yet." Charlie grinned "Sure doll." and Bill nodded "Of course."

The younger kids, including Fred and George and Mr. Weasley turned in, leaving Bill, Hannah and Charlie awake sitting in a hammock, and chair. After a few minutes of silence to ensure that they were going to be left alone, Bill pulled out a bottle of fire whiskey and grinned at the 2. "Care for a real drink?" Charlie grinned and took a swig from the bottle, and passed it to Hannah who took a longer drink than both of them combined. "Jesus Hannah." said Charlie, watching her drink. She grinned and handed the bottle back to Bill, who was staring at her in amazement. "What?" she laughed "That was epic. Merlin, I've never seen anyone drink that much of this stuff at once." Hannah grinned "That's what happens when you have daddy issues kiddos." She laughed and took another drink.

The bottle was passed around a few more times and then the three started hearing screams of terror from outside their tent. "What the fuck?" Bill and Hannah asked at the same time. Bill headed for the tent door and pulled it open, but closed it immediately. "Dad!" he shouted. A minute later, Mr. Weasley came out from his area "What? What's going on?" Bill wore a very panicked expression. "They're rioting. Somethings going on. Tents are on fire and people are running."

Mr Weasley woke everyone up and told Fred and George to take Ginny, and Harry, Ron and Hermione to follow the trail through the woods with all the other people who were running. Then, he and Percy ran into the crowds to try and handle the situation. "I'm going with you guys." said Hannah, drawing her wand as Bill and Charlie headed after their father. "No you're not." stated Charlie sternly "Go into the woods." Hannah shook her head "Hell no. I'm old enough. The same age as you. I'm coming." Charlie looked like he was about to argue back but then Bill spoke up "Okay you can come. Just be careful." and the three ran off into the crowds.

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