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"Kook, do you really love her?"

Taehyung ask looking straight in Jungkook eyes.

Jungkook looked at him too shocked on what Tae just ask.

"Do I really love her?" He ask himself. He doesn't know if he really love Rose or it was just ya know lust?

Him and Rose been together since what? Since Jungkook gained fame on their school, and at that time Jungkook was a fool, Rose ask him if he wanna date her of course Jungkook being himself says yes, for her there's no love between her and Jungkook but for Jungkook? He love her... But only for 2 weeks and his love fade because of his boredom on her body. He wants something new, something that him, himself doesn't taste till he kissed Taehyung.

"Kook?... I guess it's a yes...?" Taehyung says looking down on his feet.

Taehyung rub the back of his neck before walking towards the teachers desk "You should leave now Kook. Your girl was waiting for you." He says fixing the books and erasing the notes that was written on the board.

Jungkook looked at Tae. He could see that Taehyung was upset... But what can he do? Just bluntly say that he love him even though that was just lust that was going between them (him and Taehyung) 'I love your body Tae.' if he says those words, Taehyung would be more upset to him.

Jungkook nod before leaving the room.

'Guess I gotta make some distance between me and kook.' Tae think.

Taehyung love Jungkook, we all know that because Jungkook was Taehyung's lover reincarnation so what can he do?... And it was the best that Jungkook would love other than him cause he can't die and Jungkook can.

Taehyung end his day with a heavy heart. He can't fool himself that he was glad that Jungkook has a lover.

'It hurts...but what can I do?' he thinks.

He put his book on his bag before leaving the classroom walking down the stairs before entering the faculty.

He grab his coat, glove, hat and his sunglasses putting it to himself one by one before leaving the faculty.

He sighed walking slowly towards the school's gate with a heavy heart.

He wants him to be his, call him selfish but Taehyung really want Jungkook to his.


"Baby!" Rose walk towards Jungkook who's now sitting on the cafe table with a blank expression he turn his attention to his girlfriend.

Rose place the food they ordered before sitting next to him.

She placed Jungkook's food in front of him with a charming smile on her face. "I brought you some cake too." Rose said "I don't really know what flavor you like so I just picked what I picked I hope you don't mind." Rose said looking at Jungkook again.

Jungkook was not even paying attention to her he was what? Was just watching the two gay couple who's sitting in front of them.

Rose followed Jungkook's line of sight and it stops on some nasty faggot couple (on Rose eyes only👀) "Pfft—what your a fag now?" She ask gaining Jungkook's attention.

He looked at her "What?" He ask with a frown on his face 'Fag?' he thinks, the words that Rose says makes Jungkook's blood boil 'So it means she called tae a Fag too.' he thinks to himself again.

He stood up not gaining Rose attention, she was shocked when she saw Jungkook walking towards the exit door now. "Jungkook! Wait up!" She yelled making other people look at her and the "NASTY FAG" couples attention too.

Jungkook exited the cafe not even giving Rose a goodbye kiss or even bid her some goodbye. Rose just run after him because Jungkook was walking so fast "Kook wait up!" She yelled again.

Jungkook look at her with a frown on his face "What?!" He ask his eyebrows we're meeting each other "Are you really pissed just because I call u a fag?" Rose ask, she placed her arms crossed in front of her chest with a winning smirk on her face.

"Oh god yes I am!" Jungkook yelled.


This update was shit!
Well I can't update so often now cause ya know online class. So thank you for still supporting this story❤️👀

Have a nice day❤️

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