Coping Mechanisms

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Warning this chapter we contains self harm and drug use

They all leave, I check the time on my alarm clock and it's 11:15 am, Jayda looks at me "what the fuck happened I'm sorry babes!" She says "I don't want to talk about it right now! And it's ok!" I say getting in my bed laying with Jayda. "Jayda!?" I say sounding sad crying, "yess poo?" Jayda says "can you spend the night with me?" I say crying "yes ofc babes!" Jayda says crying with me.

Me and Jayda lay in bed all day and just watch tv, everyone tried to make me eat, but I just don't feel like eating I can only drink water and barely that. Me and Jayda end up going to sleep around 10:50 I wake back up at 2am having another nightmare, I go to Leon's room and wake him up, me and him both smoke,  he ended up going back to sleep, so I went downstairs.

I found some Percocet's in the pill cabinet, I took 2 and fell asleep on the couch, Leon woke me up carrying me to my bed, "move I can walk!" I say "nah you coo ima carry you!" Leon says "LEON GET OFF OF ME!" I yell "what's wrong with you?" Leon says as he puts me on my feet. "Bro I have bruises all over my body and they hurt" I tell him, "Laylay who did this to you?" Leon says crying, I hug him the last time I seen Leon cry was when our dad died. I feel so bad, cause I know he wants to know who did this to his little sister but I just can't tell him I cant tell anyone!

"I love you Lele!" I say as I'm holding him on the stairs "I love you too Laylay!" Leon says holding me too. "Can we smoke?" I say to Leon "yea come on." Leon says we pull away from each other and go to his room, I see Derik in there "hey you okay?" Derik ask me "yea bro I'm aight." I say to Derik I ask "Leon what time is it" I say "ummm 7:30" he says checking his phone.

Me and Leon get done smoking and I go to my room, I see that Jayda is up and on the phone with Dion, I almost throw up hearing his voice. "Hey babes where were you?" Jayda says "smoking!" I say "without me?" she says "yea I didn't know if you were up I'm sorry!" I say "your alright I was just joking but are you ok?" Jayda says, "yea I'm about to get in the shower get me some clothes!" I say opening the bathroom door needing to escape Dion's voice. I take my clothes off and use the bathroom, Jayda walks in, which isn't weird we've seen each other naked plenty of times. "Thank you." I say to Jayda, Jayda just looks at my body and sees all my bruises. "Omg babes who did this to you?" Jayda says crying I look at her with tears in my eyes they're is no where left to hide! "dion" I whisper "Dion what?" Jayda says "Dion did this to me Jayda, he raped and beat me at the party!" I say crying!

"Are you sure?" Jayda said with tears in her eyes, "yes I'm sorry I told him to move repeatedly and every time I yelled he punched me." I say breaking down, "your ok babes it's not your fault wait real quick!" Jayda says as she goes into the other room. I hear her yelling at Dion "DION DID YOU RAPE LAYLA?" Jayda yells crying I put my ear up to the door. "BRO WHAT THE FUCK YOU TALKING BOUT I DIDN'T RAPE NOBODY!" Dion yells back ,"DID YOU FUCK HER?" Jayda says "YES I DID!" Dion says "YOU RAPED MY BESTFRIEND SICK ASS BASTARD!" Jayda yells she then hangs up the phone.

I pick up a eyebrow razor and cut myself three times feeling like everything's my fault, I get in the shower, then put on what Jayda gave me, she gave me a sports bra and some men boxers. I brush my teeth and leave the bathroom it's all yours I say to Jayda "if you want to change clothes you can I just realized it shows your bruises." Jayda says going into the bathroom crying, "It's ok I might as well show my mom anyways!" I say leaving my room going down stairs to see my mom cooking breakfast I check the time on the microwave it says 8:10 I sit down on one of the barstools "mama!" I say almost crying. She turns around "yes baby?" She says warmly "I have to show you something don't over react ok?" I say "ok baby" she says.

I stand up and she sees the bruises on my breast, I walk over to her so she can see the rest. "Omg baby who did this?" "He did it" I say not being able to tell her. "LEONNNN!" My mom yells for him to come downstairs. Asia comes out her room and sees my bruises "omg Laylay are you ok?" Asia says "yes!" I say I see Leon coming down stairs with Derik, "Yes momm?" Leon says "come here and look at this!" My mom says sounding concerned with tears down her face.

Leon comes over to my mom seeing all the bruises on my body, "Laylay I'm only going to ask you this one more time, who did this to you?" He says with tears in his eyes "It was Dion, Dion Brooks Jayda's boyfriend well now her ex." I say low "YOU SURE IT WAS HIM?" Leon says with anger and rage "yes!" I whispered, my mom and Asia looked at me as Leon ran upstairs with Derik following him.

"Does Jayda know?" My mom says, "yes!" I say as I walk over to the couch Asia follows me I turn on the tv and give the remote to Asia,"put something on I'm bout to help momma cook!" I tell Asia "you don't have to help me cook sit down baby I'm sure your body is sore." My mom says to me "you sure?" I ask my mom "yea baby" she says, I sit down with Asia and she lays in my lap, I play with her perfect pretty curly hair.

Jayda comes down stairs fresh out the shower, I get up making Asia sit up, "my bad" I say to Asia she nods her head, "hey babes you ok?" I say talking to Jayda "yea are you ok pretty?" Jayda ask me "I don't know I'll be ok though!" "I know you will your Layla Brown come on!" Jayda says I go upstairs to Leon's room I open the door "Leon can I have the keys to one of your cars?" I ask Leon "what you need em for?" Leon ask me "cause I need to do something!" I tell him he throws his keys at me, I go to my room and put some biker shorts, a random and my crocs! I go downstairs "come on Jayda we bout to do something." I say "k" Jayda says following me "be safe!" my mom says "always ma" I say closing the door.

Me and Jayda hot box in Leon's car and drive, I never smoked everyday, I guess it's a coping mechanism. We get done and I drive back home, I walk in the door "hey breakfast is done!" My mom says when she sees me and Jayda "I'm not hungry ma!" I tell her "girl you smell like straight weed I know your hungry!" My mom says "I don't want to eat momma." I say to my mom "baby you got to eat you ain't eat nothing all yesterday!" My mom says "ok momma!" I say!

I eat a little bit of eggs and some toast, before my body rejects the food and if I eat more I'll throw up. "Baby you barely ate anything!" My mom says "I'll throw up if I eat more mama." I say as I sit down on the couch cuddling with Asia!

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