13. regret

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Regret is what over
comes me each
day and night.

I regret that
I never kissed
the boy I loved
years ago.

I regret being nasty
to my grandfather
before he died.

I regret being possessive
over my friendships, that
being the reason I'm alone.

I regret telling the boy who
fat-shamed me, that
I liked him.

I regret falling for the
lies that people tell,
to use me.

I regret taking pity
on others, as
nobody seems to
care about me.

I regret piercing
my skin with the sharp
blade each time,
someone hurts me
with their fowl words.

I regret tearing up
my poems, when I
thought they meant

I regret falling
for him, when
he was unworthy
of my love.

I regret being her
friend, when she
just used and manipulated
me, but still manages to have
a hold on me.

I regret not talking
to my dad, before he
passed away and use
our strained relationship
as a poor excuse.

I regret not studying
hard enough for that
test, but then wonder
why I didn't get that A.

I regret crying in public,
so that everyone can see
how weak I really am and
mock me for it.

I regret writing stories and
these poems for you to

I regret being me.
I regret being born.

- Furashu

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