Chapter 10

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Hi guys! Thank you so much for your kind comments and for the votes. 😘 It makes me happy when I read your comments and it gives me the motivation to push the story further. 

And to all the people reading this chapter, thank you so much for your patience and understanding.  Love you all guys...

A.Jaz. (^_^)

Now on with the story!



"Master Kankuro..."

"Wake up..."

"Don't leave us..."

"It's my fault.  I should be the one protecting you..."

"Shut up!  He did this to save us so stop whining and be quiet!"

"Master... your eyes..."

Matsuri's tears flowed like river as she held Kankuro's head on her lap.  She knows the danger of walking alone in the forest but she ignored his warning and insisted on taking a walk under the moonlight...


It was a peaceful night on the borders of the land of wind. The moon was shining brightly and castling it's shadow on the lake, making Matsuri's eyes bigger as she stared amused on the wonderful sight.

"I wonder what it is that makes the moon shine brighter today?"

She laid down on the grass staring at the night sky as she stretched her aching muscles. This is the first time she had reached this part of the Land of wind, and taking the best of her current rest, she closed her eyes, inhaling the cold scent of the river and burning trees...

"Wait... burning trees..?"

She jumped on her feet as she scanned the surroundings. Keeping her guard up she turned around, looking for signs of fire, but to her surprise...she saw nothing...

Suddenly a fast moving object scooped her on her feet and carried her along like a sack of rice...

"What are you doing sleeping there alone Matsuri? We've been looking for you for hours!"

Kankuro screamed as he run off like a deer, with Crow carrying Matsuri in his shoulders and the other shinobi guards keeping their pace with their leader.

"What's going on?"

"Can't you see, we've been attacked!"

"I know! But how? We haven't been close to the target."

Before anyone answered her question arrows had been shot on their way, making them scatter dodging every piece of the poisoned metals.

As soon as they reached the forest another bomb blasted, making the team halt and lose their footing.

"We've been cornered? What shall we do?"

Panic started to rise on everyone's thoughts...

"Don't let your guard down!"

Kankuro shouted as he rounded up his team mates.

"Stay close together! We can make it out of here,  alive..."

He almost whispered the last word as the ground shook beneath them. Then the land started to crack open, making them fall straight into the big hole. Every one screamed as huge pile of mud and rubble covered them into the darkness...

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