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The meeting about the upcoming race is about to begin. The meeting area was slowly filled with the 'important' people; the people who attend races as well. It was their job to speak for their crew, and it was their job to update their team after the meeting.

Daniel had two cups of tea in his hands when he entered the meeting space. Just what he hoped for, came true; Camille was sitting at the table, going through her notes. Her head was leaning against her hand, she was in her own element. Daniel placed one of the cups in front of her and walked away. He took a seat next to his engineer away from Camille.

It was silence. Camille's eyes fell on the golden cup, and she squeezed her eyebrows together, was that for her or what? She looked up, and her eyes looked with Daniel's, still having the same look on her face. Daniel looked neutral at her and took a sip from his own cup.

"Is that for me?"

Daniel smirked. "Uh, yes, who else is sitting there?" He put the cup down. Camille grabbed the cup and looked into it, checking if it was really tea and not some weird water and dish soap substance. "Don't you trust me?"

"No, why would I?" A cheeky smile curved on her lips, something that made Daniel and his crew made surprised; she broke character. "Thanks," Camille smiled thankfully and took careful a sip, trying not to burn her mouth from the hot water.

Max entered the space and had a seat down next to Daniel. His team followed him and fulled the last free spots around the table. Christian was the last one to arrive, making it to start the meeting. Upcoming updates and developments were shared, things were discussed, and the forthcoming scheduled was being shared.

Camille sat next to Meredith; one of the few persons Camille could laugh with. Meredith was the only person to Camille she would open up to. They sometimes would whisper and giggle.

Daniel's focus wasn't on the meeting anymore, now he knew he had something to do with Camille, his mind was only focussing on her. His eyes were resting on her. The blonde curtain bangs framed Camille's face, it looked like it she had a haircut. She was looking at the speaker and slightly squeezed her eyes closed to process the words. She was running her hand through her hair and turned to Meredith to share something.

"Mate, you're staring," Max whispered when he leaned towards Daniel.

A small shock went through Daniel's body, and he broke the stare. He looked confused at the Dutchman. "Huh, what?"

"You're creeping on Camille," Max smirked.

"No, what? I'm not," Daniel defended himself and cleared his throat.

Max raised his eyebrow. "Mate, is there something I don't know? You and Camille are friends? Or more." He sat up straight on his chair. "You're in love with her? You two are in a relationship!"

The two men were whispering like two schoolboys who just found out their crushes liked them back. And the remarkable thing was, nobody caught them.

"Max, now you're talking bull crap," Daniel replied and looked away.

Max nodded, impressed. "Well, good luck with her, she's difficult to deal with. You must be special she's opening up to you." He looked at Camille. "I've heard from people she's formal and really professional."

The chief of aerodynamics cleared his throat, making sure everyone had his attention, including the two drivers. "Camille, Jonah, are there any notes what need to be highlighted?" Dan asked the two heads of aerodynamics.

Camille looked at the head of Max's team; Jonah signed Camille could start first. "Alrighty," Camille said and cleared her throat. "We have discussed the findings of last weeks race already, we know on what we need to work on. We are going from a quite humid environment to a dry environment, and it is obvious the wind flow is different. The plan is to adjust the same changes and settings as last year, combining with the results of the sim. Based on the data and words from Daniel in Abu Dhabi, we can make the car more accurate to Abu Dhabi and the track. I've nothing much to add to Dan's story, unless Daniel has to add something?" Her brown eyes locked with Daniel's.

"Nope. All things I needed to say about it, are already said during the post-race debrief," he said and pressed his lips into a thin line.

"Even though we still have to serious and focus on the race, but let's not forget it is Daniel's last race with us, so enjoy it more than you used to do," Camille smiled and gave Daniel a nod.

"Absolutely," Christian said, and more people agreed on it.

Jonah grabbed his notes. "I have nothing to add to Camille from Max's side, unless Max has to say something for himself?" Max shook his head. "That's it from me now."


The workday came to an end for Daniel, he was the first one to leave. He took on his coat and said goodbye to everyone in the office, ending at the track team's department. It was quite sad to realise this would be one of his last days at Red Bull, but Daniel wasn't leaving, he just wouldn't be at Red Bull anymore.

"I'm leaving," Daniel mentioned the crew. "Good luck for the last few hours," he smiled.

People were looking up from their computer screens, saying goodbye to Daniel.

"When will you be here again or will we see you in Abu Dhabi?" Craig asked, one of the guys of strategies.

"I think I will be here on Friday for the last changes," Daniel replied doubtfully, he wasn't sure anymore, his brains were fried with new information and the jet lag. "And otherwise on the track, of course."

Craig nodded. "I will see you around. Have a nice week."

"Cheers," Daniel thankfully said and was making his way towards the exit via the department.

"Have a good evening," Camille said when Daniel passed her desk.

It made him stop walking. He looked at her, and her eyes were plastered on the computer screen. "Thank you, Camille, you too," he said teasingly.

She looked up. "Thanks." A gently smile curved on her lips.

Daniel stepped towards her desk. "Have you heard about the Christmas thingy?" Now he had her attention, he should take his shot. Camille nodded. "Are you going?"

"No, I'm going to family. It's a shame, but yeah, I will go next year."

"Oh." Daniel could feel his hope drop, this ain't going to work. "But I won't be there next year, so double shame, Camille. You don't know what you will miss."

"Double shame, yeah," she smirked. It looked like she didn't even mind to cancel the Christmas party at work. "That's just the way it is."

"Does your family live nearby? Perhaps you can combine your family with the party?"

Camille looked away, finding a new email in her mailbox. "I have to continue on working," she said. "I don't really have time for this."

It was getting personal, and Camille switched back to the cold, hard-working, professional woman again. It almost started to look like Camille broke the ice, opening up towards Daniel. A sigh rolled over Daniel's lips, what made Camille look at him. "Yeah, absolutely. I will see you around, I guess. Good luck." He plastered a smile on his face.

"Cheers," Camille neutrally said.

Daniel walked towards the exit, passing Simon's and Mike's desk. His eyes found theirs, and Simon and Mike started to laugh. "That woman is impossible," Daniel whispered, annoyed.

"Effort: 10 out of 10. Results: 1 out of 10, because she talks to you," Simon chuckled. "Good luck, mate. Will see you Friday."

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