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Camille took a big sip from the cold bottle of water and looked at her laptop screen. Data, data and more data. The night was nearing, people would go to bed and go to sleep, or go out or whatever they would do in the night, but not for Camille; she was working on the data of today's practices.

A sigh rolled over her lips, and she looked outside, facing the lighten up Yas Marina Circuit. She longed for sleep, but the data had to be finished and be briefed before tomorrow. Her eyes glided over the almost empty lobby of the hotel; an all-nighter on the menu. She was staring at a random point in the lobby while her hands were resting on the keyboard.

"That's not working."

The eyes of Camille shot to the person who was standing next to her. It was Daniel. "Hmm," she hummed and straightened her back. She ran her hand through her hair and plastered a small smile on her face. "What are you doing here?"

Daniel took a sit on the couch in front of her. "Something I better can ask you," he replied and scanned Camille's face.

"Working, obviously," she mumbled.

He rose his eyebrow. "At eleven-thirty in the evening?"


"Jeez," Daniel muttered and looked impressed at the head of aerodynamics. "Are they giving you this much work or..?"

Camille lifted her laptop and put one leg over the other. She placed her laptop on her leg and scrolled through some data. "It's a lot, but the normal amount," she breathed.

He nodded. "But why are you working around this time? Is it always this much?"


"So what's the reason that you're still doing this now?"

Camille looked up again, and her look crossed with Daniel's for a few seconds. "Procrastination behaviour."

"Classic one."

Daniel noticed the short answers she gave him, and it probably was the best idea to leave her alone, but he wanted to interact with her, get to know her better before he leaves Red Bull. He bit on the inside of his lip. The thoughts of the deal he had made were circling in his head; he knew he said yes to something impossible. Since this was the last race weekend, Daniel only had three more days to prove himself to Camille. He grabbed his phone and scrolled through his social media.

He wouldn't leave. Camille looked up and saw Daniel still sitting in front of her. Why was he here? Drivers had a tight schedule, even when it came to their sleep. Why was Daniel sitting here while he has qualification tomorrow? Daniel happened to look up, what made Camille look back to her screen immediately. Her heartbeat started to rise, and she tightened her jaw.

It was fascinating to watch Camille working. She still was wearing the Red Bull team wear; the blue trainers with the small orange details, the trousers, the polo and a vest. It looked like she got back from the track and didn't even take the time to relax after this long first day. Camille stretched her shoulders and looked at the papers she had in her hand. Daniel studied her, she was looking focused, which made her look...interesting.

"Now you're here," Camille broke the silence and made a bun in her hair. Her eyes locked with Daniel's, who was having her full attention. "I see some abnormality here, how did the car feel?"

Daniel blew up his cheeks and shrugged while running his hand through his hair. "It's twelve o'clock, Camille, my brains are not functioning anymore," he answered. "It felt normal, I guess."

An annoyed sigh left her mouth and threw the papers irritated next to her on the couch. "You're useless," she mumbled under her breath. "How can I improve all of this now?"

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