🎄 nine

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It was Thursday, the day before the flight and the Christmas party. Camille looked at the unpacked boxes in her new living room, and she sighed; she wanted to go home, but she wanted to give the party a try. Camille never has been a fan of parties, so why would she make an exception for this?

It was Daniel.

But she didn't see her family in nine months.

It was the last thing at Red Bull.

But her family was waiting.

"I don't know, Ann," Camille sighed frustratedly and looked at her phone screen what was leaning against a cup on the coffee table. "I don't know." 

"Why? What is holding you back?" Ann's face impression changed from interested in worried. Even though Ann was in Perth and was talking to her phone, it was hard she couldn't be with her sister in England.

Camille leaned her head to the backrest of her couch and closed her eyes. "I..." Silence fell on her side. "I am his colleague."

"You were his colleague," Ann corrected her sister.

"I don't care. What I'm saying is that we can't be together."

Ann raised her eyebrow. "Who says you will end up together? Why don't you just go and just have fun?"

Camille opened her eyes and stared at the ceiling. "I have always been professional towards him, perhaps cold and icy, but that was for so many reasons... I mean, look at him, look at that smile and the way he teases people. You would fall for him right away, and I fell for him from the moment I met him. There are so many reasons why I can't go, Ann." She placed both her hands on her head. "I can't go."

"Why? And don't say because it is of my scandal at my work."

"I was his colleague, I am now working for another team, he is a driver, and I am a crew member. And he is Daniel bloody Ricciardo, what does he want from me? And what do I want from him? I know if I go, as his date, it won't stay by only this Christmas date. For the past few weeks, we have been talking, and we grew closer, and it feels right. And I'm not stupid; we both want more," Camille frustratedly told her sister and sat up. "And I can't just cancel my flight."

Ann groaned. "I swear, if I was in England, I would have smacked your arse. You are saying it yourself: you both want more. And life is too short of rejecting this. Call the airline, ask if the can reschedule your flight."

"I have looked it up: the first flight is next week," Camille sighed and grabbed her work phone.

"Fly via Amsterdam, Brussels, Paris, Dusseldorf... I don't care, do something."

Camille straightened her face and looked annoyed Ann. "You suck at giving advice," she breathed and searched her flight details. "If they can't reschedule my flight, I will go to Perth. If they can, I will go to the party."

"Yeh, yeh, just call. Cool case, by the way."

Camille looked at her case; it was a McLaren case. "Thanks. I was at the MTC, still having my Red Bull case because this is my work phone, and Zak was like: Nope, we're gonna get you a new case, Camille."

A tired smile curved on Ann's lips and she swiped the call away, just to check her news feed. She listened to how Camille was calling with the airline. After a few minutes, the tone during the call changed. It first was normal, but it changed to disappointment. Ann changed her screen to the FaceTime call again and scanned Camille's face: disappointment. Ann bit on her lip and sighed; this escalated quickly. 

"...thank you for your time and effort," Camille softly said. "Have a nice evening. Cheers." She ended the call and looked down. "Perth it is," she mumbled and her eyes filled with tears.

"Fuck," Ann whispered and pressed her lips into a thin line. "You wanted the switch, am I right?"

"I was hoping for it, because then I had a solid reason to miss the flight. But you know, it is Perth or the party. I'm going to Perth. It is what it is."

"No, sis, don't turn this into a stupid comparison. This isn't chocolate versus strawberry ice cream. This is about your happy little heart or a broken sad heart," Ann sternly said. "Fuck the rules, fuck the reasons and fuck the flights. I know it is expensive and perhaps you will be late for Christmas at home, but spending Christmas with someone you care about is venerable too."

Camille was shaking her head and looked outside. "No, no, I will go to Perth, to see you, mum and dad, to celebrate Christmas," she said, and her voice cracked. "Fucking hell."


Daniel was watching the news, well, more staring at the TV with the news on. He was thinking about tomorrow, about the Christmas party with Camille as his date. It started as a stupid challenge, but perhaps it was a push in the right direction. Daniel always was interested in Camille for some reason, someone you just catch interest in someone for no particular reason. He was glad he spend some time with her in Abu Dhabi, and that day in Woking. Camille opened up towards him and the person that Daniel expected Camille to be, was all true.

But is my tux gonna match with Camille's outfit? How will Camille look like? Beautiful, of course, but her outfit? How is everybody gonna react?

It made Daniel grab his phone to text Camille about it. To his surprise, he saw he had a text from Camille already. A smile covered his face, and he opened the text.

Camille van Duyk PRIVATE
Hey Daniel, I have not so great news, actually terrible news. I have called with the airline, and it is not possible to switch flights because of the holidays... I'm so sorry, and I wished I could be there, together with you. Next time better, I promise. I know you will look handsome and I know you will have fun tomorrow, don't be sad about it. Xx Camille

Daniel's face straightened, and he could feel the disappointment enter his body. "Shit," he mumbled; everything escalated again. Just when he thought he had it all under control, things needed to get destroyed.

Daniel Ricciardo RBR
Don't be sorry, this isn't your fault. I get it and we will make it up later. When are you leaving? Maybe we can meet up before your flight leaves.

Camille van Duyk PRIVATE
I'm leaving at 12:00 :/

Daniel Ricciardo RBR
Perhaps we can meet somewhere in Perth, I'm leaving on Saturday

Camille van Duyk PRIVATE
That should be fun!

Daniel Ricciardo RBR
Fuck, Camille, this really sucks

Camille van Duyk PRIVATE
I know... But you will have fun, I know you and the others!!! Don't be sad because of me

Daniel Ricciardo RBR
Without you, the party isn't going to be complete, Cam. But we will make it up, don't worry. I just was excited to have you as my date, but going home is more important.

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