🎄 eight

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'Keys at no. 54'

Daniel grabbed the paper from the front door. "Number 54 it is," he said and looked around the hallway for number 54. "Even the hallways look fancy. What kind of apartment do you have? What kind of apartments can McLaren afford?"

"Shut up, Dan. They renovated the whole building, I don't know," Camille mumbled and followed him to the neighbour. "And McLaren has nothing to do with this."

"Uhu," he hummed and looked suspiciously at her. "Correct answer." Daniel knocked on the door. "Why are your keys at the neighbour?"

Camille looked annoyed at him. "Because the builders had to work in my apartment while I was at the factory. And I don't have spare keys. Why even are you acting like this is your apartment? You're a..." She snatched the paper out of his hands.

On that moment, the front door of the neighbour opened. It was an older man. "Hello," he said. If Camille had to give him an age, she would say he was 80 years old. Camille closed her mouth and pressed a smile on her face. "Can I help you?"

"Good afternoon, sir. We're here to pick up the keys for..." Daniel began and widely smiled when he felt Camille's eyes burning on his face.

"Oh, you're the new neighbours! Welcome! Give me a moment," the man friendly said and stepped away from the door. "Isa, the new neighbours are here!"

Camille looked at Daniel, and her face softened. "This is adorable," she whispered. "But stop acting this is yours," she continued on a normal tone.

"I will, I'm just teasing you," Daniel smirked.

A few seconds later, the man came back to the front door together with an older lady. "Lovely to finally see you, the neighbours from 55," the lady said. "You look like a lovely couple."

Daniel and Camille looked at each other. "We are not..." they both stammered.

"My name is Isolda Smith," the lady introduced herself. "And this is my husband, Alvin Smith. Welcome to our building. We have a small welcome present for you because we're assuming you didn't have time yet to make your new place Christmasy," Isolda smiled and handed Camille a small fake Christmas tree with red balls.

"Thank you, you shouldn't have done that," Camille speechlessly said and looked at it. "My name is Camille, and this is Daniel," she continued. "We're pleased to meet you."

Alvin handed the keys at Daniel. "We won't take more of your time, have a look at your new flat," he warmly smiled.

"Oh, no, it's fine," Daniel replied. "Thank you for taking care of the keys, and we hope the builders were not disturbing."

"No, of course, not, sweetheart." Isolda was shaking her head. "We will see you around."

Camille smiled. "Have a nice evening."

The elderly couple wished Camille and Daniel the same and closed the door. Camille grabbed the keys from Daniel's hand and walked to her own front door.

"What part of 'stop acting this is yours' don't you understand?" Camille said and unlocked the door. She pushed the door open and entered her new place.

Daniel pressed her lips into a thin line and closed the door behind him. "They were highly convinced we were a couple, and it was hard to not act like it because it would crush their vision of us..."

"Of me."

"Of you," he sighed. "And let's be honest, what are the odds you will face them often? You're spending a lot of time at the factory, and you have to travel a lot."

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